Women Are Still Faking Orgasm...Other Political Topics at Mid-Term


Micheline Birger

I am still so-so---so disappointed in this YouTube Politicks - War of the Sexes Mid-Term Election/Erection bloodbath. Not one decent sex scandal has emerged from the aethers...yet. Even in this post Woman's Lib era & all, it is reported that 85% of men think they please their lady into orgasm yet only 65% of women seem to agree...Ti's so sad...women are still faking orgasm so they can please their man...they don't want to bruise their egos...this according to Sari Locker, author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Amazing Sex...just goes to prove my point...Everybody Lies About Their Sex Life.

The only thing that could remotely pass as a sex scandal is Jerry Brown allegedly calling Meg Whitman a "whore." What a sexist remark! What is the equivalent of a male whore? A hustler? A male-chauvinist pig? Somehow it doesn't sound quite as insulting and demeaning...come on all you children who sing world peace and all of that Kumbaya stuff...first off - it would be nice if you find peace with each other...just a thought.

Sharron Angle, another Republican chick hopeful from Nevada, who came from nowhere, is getting her voice heard loud and clear. Apparently she is running an ad in Nevada saying that Harry Reid voted for the government to pay for Viagra for convicted sex offenders??? Am I missing something here??? Why would anyone in their right mind vote for that? How perverse...it's kind of like a sex scandal except it's against society...doesn't Harry know that the drug of choice is Depo-Provera. You know, it lessens those impulses for all of that testosterone...go Sharron.

And of course the government is giving stimulus money to dead people and prison inmates...another computer glitch I surmise...somehow this wonderful snafu was to the tune of $22,250,000. Let's see - 89,000 X $250 = millions of dollars...just how do dead folks spend money from the grave? And what constitutes giving inmates money? I guess it's mugs and squares money...and who distributes these stimulus programs???

Of course we can't leave out Rick Sanchez calling Jon Stewart "a Bigot...and all of the media is run by Jews"...I have one question for you Rick...did or did not your paycheck clear the bank? What's that saying called - Don't bite the hand that feeds you or something like that???

The media is still having a field day with Christine O'Donnell and her - I Am You - ad. I say...so what??? She has brass b___s and brawn. She is yet another woman on the planet who is sickened about what is going on in the US of A of politicks. At least she has the heart and soul not to back down - no matter what! Bravo! And no, she is not a witch...and who really cares what her stance is or is not about masturbation...really now! That's so personal.

Radio icon, Rush Limbaugh called "The Anointed One", our current Commander-in-Chief, a "jackass" over the airwaves. He had an irate caller phone in on his show who was very insulted by his remark. Apparently this woman had a farm and raised jackasses. She was insulted because she said that "jackasses were smart animals".

Another of Obama's cabinet quit or was it defected?...the head of National Security, James Jones for obscure reasons...I guess he got tired of all the "hand to hand combat in D.C."...you know, politicks as usual???

All of these Independents, are they all secret operatives or something? Are they really for one party or the other? Is someone secretly funding their campaign so it lessens the vote for one party or the other...something to think about...

From my biased female apolitical perspective, I am so happy to see all of these gals stepping up to the plate and kicking major butt. It's about time. Isn't leadership where it is at? They're just like that Nancy Reagan slogan - Just Say No! - soundbyte. They are saying No to the status quo. They are "mad as he__" and not taking it anymore. They are not at home folding laundry and yelling at the TV. They are not saying - Why doesn't someone do something? They are proactive role models. Go Girls Go!!!

It seems - according to CNN - that the current Commander-in-Chief's popularity is decreasing. Ya' think? His approval is rounding around 45%. 52% disapprove and 3% are undecided. You mean, according to we the people, he's not as popular as he thinks he is??? Another man who's a legend in his own mind or is he just blatantly narcissistic? You decide...

That's my take for the past week. 22 more days until E-Day...November 2. Who will be the last politician standing? I must admit that I love the process. I love it because I don't understand it. As someone famous once said - "politics is not an exact science." I think most sheep vote for someone or the other just because they can vote. In actuality they really do not know why they are voting. My definition of politicks besides total insanity is; "Keep the poor-poor. Keep the rich-rich. And justify to those in the middle why they have to pay for it."

The race is just getting started now. It hasn't even begun it's momentum yet...stay tuned for "Help I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up or Humpty-Dumpty sat on a wall...and then had a great fall, and all of the King's horses and all of the King's men couldn't put Humpty-Dumpty back together again" or something like that. I guess we can just all drink some tea and watch the greatest show on earth...politicks is not personal...is it? Ciao for now!

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