But Seriously Folks...



I watch the CNN online clips. I read the NY Times...the Washington Post...the LA Times...ad infinitum. I scan for the upshot of the latest political crisis. I must admit, everybody is doing a Class A job of making everybody think that we are crumbling faster than a speeding bullet into a Chicken Little - The Sky Is Falling - The Sky Is Falling mentality! Near-death-nail-biting-end-of-life as we know it in the US of A. Hey everyone - pack it in. Time to go to another world...America is on the brink of total & utter ruination...ah yes...the rise and fall of the great American Empire...didn't that happen somewhere else in history? Rome? Wasn't that the place?

And the Republicans are still scuffling for their Star to Be Born. Who's going to take America by storm? Who's going to appear out of the blue like Mighty Mouse; Superman or Wonder Woman??? Singing in harmony - Here I am to save the day...here I am to save the day.!!! We're searching for Super Stardom in the Church of Latter Day Saints? Or is it the emancipated Lutherans who denounce the Catholic Church? Blah...blah...blah! It's all heresay and conjecture...I belong to the Church of Divine Comedy myself...

Or is it how much moolah the Republicans are raising or not raising? Who - but - who - can beat the current Big-Spender-In-Chief? That is the gazillion $$$ question. We have a spendoholic in the White House.

Superficially, what folks notice is - who has the best hair and wardrobe consultant? Right now, if the Republican Party were going by sheer GQ and Vogue standards...I would venture to surmise that Mitt & Michelle would make a complementary couple in the White House. Would it be Woman On Top? Or Mitt who publicly proclaims that he can beat the current Big-Spender-In-Chief?

Hmmm....let's see....either way...they would both look like the iconic Barbie & Ken of American politics...coming to rescue us - we - from our bipolar economy...schizophrenic health care and whatever other crisis we are knuckling thorough right now...

The whole Republican Chorus Line Auditions are still in their infancy...I say kudos to all of them who have bravely thrown their hat in the ring and are officially open to mud-slugging...the political opera singers keep on singing...the media-o-cracy keeps on zinging...Everyday Is A Winding Road...we shall see who gets a little bit closer...closer.

Meanwhile, back at the farm...in D.C. - everyone is still posturing & hooting & hollering about money-money-money...just like the song in Cabaret - Money Makes the World Go Round. So Happy July everyone - American Independence Month - Is it a myth or is it still the last frontier; the last bastion of hope and freedom on the planet?

Don't touch that dial...we shall see how it all plays out - won't we? Ah, the political opera...but seriously folks? Can we take any of these singers, zingers to heart? Hmmm...I guess...I'm like most folks...I would like to see that glimmer of hope somewhere over the rainbow...I'd like to see that dazzling light out of this long-dark tunnel...



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