Political Spit Ball Mania & Still No Sex Scandal Yet...


Micheline Birger

15 more daze...I am oh so bored with this Mid-Term Election...I spend half my energy trying to discern what all this political jargon and rhetoric is - Rubber Stamp Democrat; Bull Dog Democrat & Democrats defecting from voting for Nancy Pelosi...Democrats against voting for Obama Health Care...

Then on the Republican side...we have Republicans and then the Tea Party Republicans. I am spun out trying to keep up with what all of this means...or doesn't mean for that matter. Sometimes I feel like I live in the Divided States of America...but that is just the way it is. I certainly have to accept that for the moment. Where is the love? Just where is the heart? Where is that - A Tree Grows in Brooklyn - inspiration...

I guess it kind of goes to Chile...and the world responding to their miners...and the joint efforts of folks transcending politicks to rescue these workers a half-mile deep in the bowels of the earth. Hooray! Something the world was finally in unity with...and yes, then there was the miner's wife who didn't greet her hubby buried deep down under after he was rescued because she found out about his mistress...love does eclipse international borders, doesn't it? Especially love affairs...

Apparently the US of A is about $13.5 trillion in the hole...each new babe born in the US now owes Uncle Sam $43-44,000 dollars just for being born! Amazing, isn't it? This enlightening fact according to the Senator elect from Illinois, Mark Kirk, Republican. I guess Uncle Sam will be in the delivery room handing the bill over before the babe can have his or her first cry. Well, now they will have something to cry about.

It seems that Dick Cheney, Sarah Palin and Obama have something in common. They are all distantly related. Wouldn't it be a hoot to be a fly on the wall at their next family reunion? It could be on Love Boat. It would be hosted by Della Reese, star of Touched by an Angel. As Einstein said in his theory of relativity...it's all relatives. Wouldn't that be a fun party? Tea...anyone???

There is a lot of desperation going on in the political agenda. The name calling and the spin-control just keeps getting more out of control with all kinds of rumors floating around. Gossip, heresay against each party. Buzzes like - who is funding these races? Foreigners? And if so - whom??? Is it China? Dem Dems say the Republicans are getting foreign money. And funny enough, that is what the Republicans are saying about Dem Dems. Einstein was right..."for each action there is an equal and opposite reaction."

It seems to me that politicks is fueled by emotionalism...or in some cases, severe apathy. Believers of the current regime are now defecting to the other side...or so it is reported. I don't know. Just like Hilary Clinton says - "I don't believe half of what I read." And neither do I because it is all designed to make us confused anyway. I would venture to say that I do not believe anything that I read because I don't understand the process. It's all conjecture.

Chris Coons (D) Christine O'Donnell (R) had their little Senatorial debate in Delaware. Christine asserted basically that she wasn't born with the silver spoon up her ___. She said that she "wasn't a trust fund baby and she didn't go to Yale." She told Chris that he was jealous because he didn't make the Saturday Night Live cut and she did. Chris's response was - "I wonder who would play me."

Jerry apologized to Meg in California for someone calling her a "whore" from his campaign. Meg was gracious enough that she just laughed it off. Her agenda is crystal clear as a past CEO of EBAY - it is to create jobs & get folks back to work in the state of California. It is not to expand the size of government and have them control everything. Someone once said - "A nation that governs less, governs best." I don't know exactly where that came from...but you get the point. It was filtered down to me through the aethers.

There is a lot of Republican Women out there going for the political gold. Christine vs. Chris in Delaware. Sharron vs. Harry in Nevada. Meg vs. Jerry in California. Carly Fiorina (R) vs. Barbara Boxer (D) in California. And now there is yet another new straight-talking Republican Star on the block. A no nonsense gal by the name of Kristi Noem, running for Congress. She is coined as the Sarah Palin of S. Dakota. She has already raised an impressive $1.1 mill for her campaign. Another gal who refuses to stay home and watch Martha Stewart while ironing and yelling at the TV. She is not shouting - "Why doesn't someone do something about this insanity?" She's out making a difference.

Everybody is sweating out this election. Michael Steele of the Republican National Committee and Sarah Palin spoke at a hotel in Southern California to supporters. They were near Disneyland. How Hollywood can you get??? They were busy rustling up votes for Meg and Carly. Michael is touring the country in his - Fire Pelosi Bus.

From what I understand, and correct me if I am wrong...remember, I am just a lay person...if the Republicans win, that means that Nancy Pelosi is out, finished, kaput as Speaker of the House. You know, that Nancy who thinks that Food Stamps is an economic stimulus for the U.S.? Yes, that Nancy.

Obama and his Lady were in Ohio on Sunday. Doesn't a Prez have better things to do than still be campaigning not even two years into his administration? I don't know, it would seem that he could stay home on Sunday and rest on his laurels momentarily. He asserts, or someone in the Democratic Party asserts that - "The Republicans are counting on black folks staying home on election day." Anyway, it's his time, I don't know who's money, his energy. If that is how he chooses to spend his Sunday, then that is entirely up to him. It's just an interesting observation in all of this hullabaloo of this Spit Ball Mania.

Billy Boy Clinton and Jerry Brown have kissed and made-up. Metaphorically speaking of course. Apparently former Prez Clinton showed up unexpectedly to support Jerry at one of his functions. They hugged. They healed a riff they have had for years when they were both running for President at the same time or something like that. Truly, I am touched.

Oh, and I cannot forget, there is a new film out called I Want Your Money by filmmaker Griggs. He is described as a "right wing conservative"...he calls Obama a Socialist. It is supposed to be a humorous or humorless twist on Reagonomics vs. Obamanomics. He did not disclose where he got his private funding. Good for him. Don't let 'em see ya sweat. Another Michael Moore in the making.

Well, sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never harm me; be obscure clearly; Stop the Insanity; liberal men are sexists; Woman on Top; sound bytes vs. sound solutions; Red or Blue Party?...I am on the edge of my seat watching the greatest show on earth...this Barnum and Bailey Circus...who will...I wonder...just who will be - the last candidate standing? The Free World is not free, it's very expensive...and it gets more expensive all the time.

The thing that makes it most intriguing is that most people, you know, you and me...according to CNN...we, we the little people common folk - think that both parties are going about this Mid-Term Erection/Election process the wrong way. I guess we the people have spoken or misspoken...according to who you talk to. 15 more grueling days...I am already twittering from TMI - too much information or misinformation...trying to discern just how much is true....Twick or Tweet...Ciao for now!

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