Ya' Wanna Know What I Think?


Micheline Birger

I think that this whole Herman Cain monkey-business aka the groping scandal is one big farce - like most of politicks. Someone in this race - which is not about race - but is really about race...wanted...and I mean really wanted this guy out of sight...out of mind. Herman - a guy - a pizza mogul who did more than just deliver pizza. He catapulted a chain into extreme prosperity - he's a doer. If he won the nomination for the presidency then we would have not one but two African-Americans in the same boxing ring duking it out for King of the Free World.

Herman has the uncanny ability to speak from his heart - not a teleprompter. Somebody - someone - some group spun this man's image into some type of Bill Clinton Ladies Man persona. Incidentally, I heard he called Bill & asked for his advice. The only reason I could even fathom foul-play with Herman is because the guy has a glowing charisma and a brain to boot. He already has a proven track record for turning things around economically. People in one party or the other got really scared and wet their pants that this guy could actually win. That certainly would upset the whole robot agenda set by the current Big-Spender-In-Chief and the smirky cats in his administration.

Prez Teleprompter's approval ratings are apparently sinking faster than the U.S. economy. And here comes a guy with brains and brawn vying for the coveted title of Free World Leader. Knock - slam down - sucker punch. You're out man. I do not want any competition in this race which is not about race...O.K? Hmmm!

So now the word in the wind is that Joe Biden, our VP may be going out in favor of Hilary Clinton. Remember, Hilary who got thrown out because she was/is a girl? I call that sexism. Hilary should have got the nomination to begin with. Why should Hilary play second fiddle to a guy who has been deemed a failure as a U.S. President? She had experience. We shall see how this saga and the turning of the screw-you unfolds in the daze to come...Hilary says she wants to retire...

Politics is a game of perception. It is surreal. Now that Herman Cain is officially out of the race, the Republican Chorus Line continues to shrink. We are left with two possible potentials. Newt or Mitt? Apparently Newt and The Donald are scheduled to have some type of debate. They're on the same side - aren't they? I even saw a CNN mirage of an ad with Michelle Bachmann and The Donald for a possible 2016 run. Whatever - may the best man or woman win...

And those woman who came somewhat forth with their affairs with Herman Cain...what is it that they are gaining from that kind of exposure? Someone must be paying them. Otherwise, what would be the point to go public to spill your guts and tell? Or allege...doesn't add up...doesn't make sense...or does it? What's in it for them to ruin a man's career other than money?

I believe it is high time that we the people get someone up there who is actually qualified for the job to be President of the USA. We've had a medical student up there for almost four years who's practicing medicine without a license. He has botched up enough delicate operations. Now, we need a bonafide surgeon up there removing all of the diseased tissue that has infiltrated the U.S. So be it.

So, Herman is officially out. Hilary may be in. Newt and The Donald are going to have a debate. Where is The Sarah in all of this ruckus? Probably in Alaska flipping her remote and taking a lot of deep breathes. Folks, it doesn't get any better than this. Political entertainment at it's finest. Politicks extraordinaire! That's what I think. I think it's going to get a whole lot more interesting as it unfolds. How about you? What do you think? Politicks - what a gig...the only profession where you can screw everyone and take their money too! Amazing...



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