Mud-Slugging --- Ankle-Biting & The End of the World...
Micheline Birger
The political heat is simmering. Brewing. Not yet percolated... The Republican Chorus Line auditions is down to the home stretch. Rick Santorum is out officially. Mitt, Newt & Ron are still in the queue. Who's who? Larry, Moe or Curly Joe? They all have skin in the game...but no matter which way you cut-dice-splice or debone it...everybody but everybody knows and assumes that Mitt is the nominee. Mitt's going to be the guy unless there is an unusual twist that neither side saw coming 'round the mountain.
What's the use, I sometimes wonder??? Is this life on earth as we know it? Is 12/21/2012 really the end of the world? Are we all going to go to Heaven or Hell? Why even bother running for anything...look at all of the turmoil the planet is going one is immune. Is this how we're going to end it? Fighting and blowing each other up...for what ungodly reason??? Quite frankly, it's a foreign concept that I still haven't grasped being from the Planet Venus and all...
However, according to a lot of sources - it will not be the end of the world. Sylvia Browne, the famous psychic says it is because the Mayans ran out of ink for their calendar. Metaphysicians who have researched this rumor have gone down to the Mayan territory - Mexico, Belize, Honduras, Guatemala & El Salvador. Apparently the folks in those countries think the whole thing is a joke. The calender is simply the end of the current round calendar and that's it. Pure and simple. Just exactly what is a round calendar though?
We'll see. We're always living in the future in the U.S.A. I guess it's because we all collectively cannot stand the present - the present moment. We're all sharing the same oxygen. We're all trying to make it through another day in the media-o-cracy that we live in. The Mud-Slugging --- Ankle-Biting --- Gotcha Misinformation from all the stellar role models who think they know what is best for us. The pseudo-elitists who make up lies in order to sell-sell-sell their ad space for their latest widget and whatchamacallit...
A lot of folks just not quite satisfied that the President is actually a U.S. citizen. Hearsay has it that he was born in Kenya and then registered in Hawaii as a live birth. Then after that the records got swallowed up by Moby Dick, the great white whale...there is still a lot of speculation on that sore topic. My question is - suppose in some way - somehow - someone does prove that Obama was born in Kenya, then what? I'm not a lawyer but I assume that would be an impeachable offense.
It seems that the all sizzle and no steak pizazz has dwindled down for him. His popularity is waning. Even his Leading Ladies - Oprah & Barbra Streisand are not gung-ho about supporting him publicly anymore. What a pity! Barbra won't be singing a fundraising benefit for him. Oprah lost her ratings when she publicly endorsed him. They say they will private support him but not publicly. You're on your own Barack...showbiz and politics make for strange rating wars....
So, let's sit back and watch the lies continue to unfurl. The warring, divisive tactics have only just begun. Let's watch all the candidates go for the jugular; throw knives at each other's hearts; sacrifice their first-born and shoot poison arrows at each other. Hey, they're just out having fun.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, most Americans are feeling pressure at the pump; pain at the grocery store while raging anger at out of control government spending which continues to escalate. Most people want to know when there will be some semblance of balance with all of this promised Change. Most folks agree on one thing - that the Change has been for the we shall see.
And furthermore - why is it reported that Obama pays less taxes than his secretary...and why oh why can't the Secret Service keep their pants zippered up when traveling internationally on our dime in Columbia, South America? I guess they took their Liagra oh, excuse me, their Viagra...
Ankle-Biting --- Mud-Slugging --- End of the World - don't touch that dial. Who knows what lies and fabrications that these psychopaths and pathological liars will conjure up this week...I can't wait. Their comedy show is the best. They're going to be swallowed up by Moby Dick for being such Pinocchio's...
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