Political Mass Media-itis
Micheline Birger
I don't know about you but I am suffering from an acute case of Political Mass Media-itis! (in medicine anything with "itis" means inflammation of) I'm saturated with the warring factions lying and deceiving us. Us - We the people who pay their heinous salaries to screw up this country even more than it already is! The Republican Chorus Line is like a bunch of sophomoric frat boys holding a Skull & Bones hazing contest. The Democratic Party is getting more and more sickly as the clock ticks.
The Chosen One's administration has more holes in it than a moth-eaten-sweater. More leaks than the Titanic. We - Us common folks are constantly being bombarded with how bad it is out there. But don't dismay, it's going to get better or so they say.
Meanwhile gas prices continue to skyrocket to the stars - out of control - by an out of control bureaucracy that just let's it. Meanwhile, they want to push solar and windmill power. Excuzzzeeee me current administration - I would love to see you jet all around the world on solar energy and wind power. Just what happens on the daze when the sun don't shine and the wind don't blow??? Can you Fuel Air Force One on gray days and hot air? I think not.
I laugh hysterically at all of this money that is being poured into these half-baked campaigns. Millions and billions of megabucks...where does it come from? What a circus! Everyone is like a bunch of dogs chasing their tails or is it tales...with no end in sight. At least the dog is smart - it stops eventually. It realizes that it is not getting anywhere or really accomplishing anything. It realizes it is a futile endeavor...but the dog really does it to amuse itself.
Most Americans that I talk to think that ObamaCare is a joke. More like ObamaScare. Why on earth is our tax dollars being wasted towards this mandate that is being challenged in the Supreme Court as unconstitutional? How can the government force people to buy something and then fine them if they don't opt in? Isn't that just a tad over the top - to manipulate folks to purchase something against their will? Unconstitutional...isn't it? Total insanity...it's total insanity.
We are a society, a government that is out of control. Out of control spending. Out of control propaganda. Smoke 'n' Mirrors. Hype. Brouhaha. Soundbytes vs. sound solutions. Catch phrases. We are ending a legacy of "Yes We Can" to "What the ___???" What is happening in this country? God only knows. And don't complain because then you are labeled as politically incorrect...what a bunch of bull.
I prefer being poetically correct and feeling exactly what I feel. I am afraid that I don't quite understand all the backbiting and name-calling. Isn't that childish? Wouldn't you reprimand your child for that? Face it, the U.S. doesn't need to go to foreign soil to "fight for our freedom." It seems that the media-o-cracy is doing a stellar job of that. They are extremely busy slugging everyone on either side below the belt with their knee-slapping-laughter-inducing accusations that they hail at one other. Such a primal vibration.
I am curing myself of Political Mass Media-itis. I am defecting. I am not reading the papers or listening to broadcasts or buying into all of this fear mongering. I am sure I will have a spontaneous healing...oh my God...now what will I write about??? And now a word from our sponsor...
Support your local satire writer. Buy my books on Kindle. No wonder I write books called My Sister Murdered My Parakeet.
Micheline Birger
I don't know about you but I am suffering from an acute case of Political Mass Media-itis! (in medicine anything with "itis" means inflammation of) I'm saturated with the warring factions lying and deceiving us. Us - We the people who pay their heinous salaries to screw up this country even more than it already is! The Republican Chorus Line is like a bunch of sophomoric frat boys holding a Skull & Bones hazing contest. The Democratic Party is getting more and more sickly as the clock ticks.
The Chosen One's administration has more holes in it than a moth-eaten-sweater. More leaks than the Titanic. We - Us common folks are constantly being bombarded with how bad it is out there. But don't dismay, it's going to get better or so they say.
Meanwhile gas prices continue to skyrocket to the stars - out of control - by an out of control bureaucracy that just let's it. Meanwhile, they want to push solar and windmill power. Excuzzzeeee me current administration - I would love to see you jet all around the world on solar energy and wind power. Just what happens on the daze when the sun don't shine and the wind don't blow??? Can you Fuel Air Force One on gray days and hot air? I think not.
I laugh hysterically at all of this money that is being poured into these half-baked campaigns. Millions and billions of megabucks...where does it come from? What a circus! Everyone is like a bunch of dogs chasing their tails or is it tales...with no end in sight. At least the dog is smart - it stops eventually. It realizes that it is not getting anywhere or really accomplishing anything. It realizes it is a futile endeavor...but the dog really does it to amuse itself.
Most Americans that I talk to think that ObamaCare is a joke. More like ObamaScare. Why on earth is our tax dollars being wasted towards this mandate that is being challenged in the Supreme Court as unconstitutional? How can the government force people to buy something and then fine them if they don't opt in? Isn't that just a tad over the top - to manipulate folks to purchase something against their will? Unconstitutional...isn't it? Total insanity...it's total insanity.
We are a society, a government that is out of control. Out of control spending. Out of control propaganda. Smoke 'n' Mirrors. Hype. Brouhaha. Soundbytes vs. sound solutions. Catch phrases. We are ending a legacy of "Yes We Can" to "What the ___???" What is happening in this country? God only knows. And don't complain because then you are labeled as politically incorrect...what a bunch of bull.
I prefer being poetically correct and feeling exactly what I feel. I am afraid that I don't quite understand all the backbiting and name-calling. Isn't that childish? Wouldn't you reprimand your child for that? Face it, the U.S. doesn't need to go to foreign soil to "fight for our freedom." It seems that the media-o-cracy is doing a stellar job of that. They are extremely busy slugging everyone on either side below the belt with their knee-slapping-laughter-inducing accusations that they hail at one other. Such a primal vibration.
I am curing myself of Political Mass Media-itis. I am defecting. I am not reading the papers or listening to broadcasts or buying into all of this fear mongering. I am sure I will have a spontaneous healing...oh my God...now what will I write about??? And now a word from our sponsor...
Support your local satire writer. Buy my books on Kindle. No wonder I write books called My Sister Murdered My Parakeet.