Psychotica U.S.A. - Morning After & Penis Pumps
Micheline Birger
Every time someone asks me where I am from, I tell them I am from the Planet Venus. "They" sent me down to Earth this time around. Golly gee whiz...what a mess this planet is! We have rampant insanity which seems to be the most contagious disease on Earth. It transcends every race, creed, nationality and gender. Earth - The Insane Asylum of the Cosmos!
The most interesting observation is how us - we - Earthlings try to justify the rationale for people's irrational behavior. Especially in the political spectrum. Here, we Earthlings, have a terrific line-up of folks - characters - political leaders - whom everyone doubts and deeply distrusts. Nobody in their right mind believes one solitary thing that comes out of a politician's mouth. We are jaded and cynical. We are depressed. We are suffering from extreme fatigue. Nothing but nothing adds up or makes any sense. The U.S. might as well put a horse's petunia in the White House. They would probably get more respect than any politician in office or vying for office.
I watch the Republican Chorus Line auditions as they continue to falter and waive to come up with an ideal front runner-contender. If they would cease with all of the inter-office political backstabbing and ankle-biting then maybe they could actually brainstorm a lot more creatively on who but who could foot the bill to beat the current Big-Economic-Failure-In-Chief. I have not been swayed by any of them. Unite and conquer folks!
Yes, it is true that Newt is looking pretty right now and he is oh so brilliantly smart. But, can he beat President Teleprompter? Does Newt have too much excess baggage? Blah! Blah! Blah! Hey folks...get real! Listen to solutions not past heresay and other divisive brouhaha. Who has the fire in their belly? Who has the heart? Who has - The Answer??? The Answer for this mess that we are in financially in this country? Just like Ricky Ricardo used to say to Lucy - "Lucy, sp'lain this to me?"
We have elected all of these brilliant politicians in Washington D.C. allowing for almost a quarter of a billion dollars going to penis pumps for Medicare recipients. That's right...between 2001 to 2011, we the people, have been supporting EDD with this quasi state-of-the-art treatment! The technically classified as a "Male Vacuum Erection System." That is not to include Viagra or any of the other drugs that have so many side effects that it makes your head spin listening to the coked-up voice-over announcer spin around words to minimize in a millisecond all of the contraindications. Of course if you are a do-it yourselfer you can go and get a medical degree to interpret the adverse drug reactions by reading the tiny letter literature that you need a magnifying glass to interpret.
Micheline Birger
Every time someone asks me where I am from, I tell them I am from the Planet Venus. "They" sent me down to Earth this time around. Golly gee whiz...what a mess this planet is! We have rampant insanity which seems to be the most contagious disease on Earth. It transcends every race, creed, nationality and gender. Earth - The Insane Asylum of the Cosmos!
The most interesting observation is how us - we - Earthlings try to justify the rationale for people's irrational behavior. Especially in the political spectrum. Here, we Earthlings, have a terrific line-up of folks - characters - political leaders - whom everyone doubts and deeply distrusts. Nobody in their right mind believes one solitary thing that comes out of a politician's mouth. We are jaded and cynical. We are depressed. We are suffering from extreme fatigue. Nothing but nothing adds up or makes any sense. The U.S. might as well put a horse's petunia in the White House. They would probably get more respect than any politician in office or vying for office.
I watch the Republican Chorus Line auditions as they continue to falter and waive to come up with an ideal front runner-contender. If they would cease with all of the inter-office political backstabbing and ankle-biting then maybe they could actually brainstorm a lot more creatively on who but who could foot the bill to beat the current Big-Economic-Failure-In-Chief. I have not been swayed by any of them. Unite and conquer folks!
Yes, it is true that Newt is looking pretty right now and he is oh so brilliantly smart. But, can he beat President Teleprompter? Does Newt have too much excess baggage? Blah! Blah! Blah! Hey folks...get real! Listen to solutions not past heresay and other divisive brouhaha. Who has the fire in their belly? Who has the heart? Who has - The Answer??? The Answer for this mess that we are in financially in this country? Just like Ricky Ricardo used to say to Lucy - "Lucy, sp'lain this to me?"
We have elected all of these brilliant politicians in Washington D.C. allowing for almost a quarter of a billion dollars going to penis pumps for Medicare recipients. That's right...between 2001 to 2011, we the people, have been supporting EDD with this quasi state-of-the-art treatment! The technically classified as a "Male Vacuum Erection System." That is not to include Viagra or any of the other drugs that have so many side effects that it makes your head spin listening to the coked-up voice-over announcer spin around words to minimize in a millisecond all of the contraindications. Of course if you are a do-it yourselfer you can go and get a medical degree to interpret the adverse drug reactions by reading the tiny letter literature that you need a magnifying glass to interpret.
And while we are supporting all of these guys on Medicare making them feel like real men again, we are going to allow young girls the luxury of buying a morning after pill without a prescription or parental approval.
Why not parents taking responsibility for their own kids? Teach them respect. Teach them to wait. Teach them values. Teach them love. Ah, but I am from the Planet Venus. That is too much to ask people to take responsibility...for their choices. So, because we the people are total idiots and morons, we are going to collectively give our power to the Almighty Few. Yes, they will make our personal decisions for us.
They will make it by biased and faulty polls; marred research from "leading universities" and then spin it to the media-o-cracy that all of this is now dogma. Feed all of this spin to "we the people." Enough already. People are waking up from their sound slumber. We are constantly being marketed to and at.
Ah, that's all I have to say...for now in Psychotica U.S.A. I am going to my local church to just sit and pray. Pray and sit. Contemplate all of these conflicting messages like it is my personal responsibility to support EDD with tax payer money...allow young women to self-medicate themselves because they are totally capable of buying & ingesting a pill with all types of questionable side effects. Doesn't add my book. Or does it? I can support EDD with tax-payer money but not young women who in a moment may have made a wrong decision which she has to pay for out of pocket??? Wouldn't it be better if she went to a questions asked??? At least she could be monitored medically for adverse side effects.
So we shall see what unfolds as time moves forward. Morning After Pills - Penis Pumps - Yes folks - this is Psychotica U.S.A. Like it or laugh at it. Either way, it's a poor reflection of the demise of the U.S. of A. Psychotica U.S.A. Nobody can make this stuff up...heaven help us please...
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Why not parents taking responsibility for their own kids? Teach them respect. Teach them to wait. Teach them values. Teach them love. Ah, but I am from the Planet Venus. That is too much to ask people to take responsibility...for their choices. So, because we the people are total idiots and morons, we are going to collectively give our power to the Almighty Few. Yes, they will make our personal decisions for us.
They will make it by biased and faulty polls; marred research from "leading universities" and then spin it to the media-o-cracy that all of this is now dogma. Feed all of this spin to "we the people." Enough already. People are waking up from their sound slumber. We are constantly being marketed to and at.
Ah, that's all I have to say...for now in Psychotica U.S.A. I am going to my local church to just sit and pray. Pray and sit. Contemplate all of these conflicting messages like it is my personal responsibility to support EDD with tax payer money...allow young women to self-medicate themselves because they are totally capable of buying & ingesting a pill with all types of questionable side effects. Doesn't add my book. Or does it? I can support EDD with tax-payer money but not young women who in a moment may have made a wrong decision which she has to pay for out of pocket??? Wouldn't it be better if she went to a questions asked??? At least she could be monitored medically for adverse side effects.
So we shall see what unfolds as time moves forward. Morning After Pills - Penis Pumps - Yes folks - this is Psychotica U.S.A. Like it or laugh at it. Either way, it's a poor reflection of the demise of the U.S. of A. Psychotica U.S.A. Nobody can make this stuff up...heaven help us please...
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