Dial-A-Prayer Politicks & Still No Sex Scandal...Yet!


Micheline Birger

Eight more daze of this..."You can fool some of the people all the time; and all of the people some of the time but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time." Lincoln

The political Stupid-Bowl...bloodbath...Super-Bowl continues. Each party is poised like a viper making sure that they guard their turf...and catch the opportunity to out do each others shenanigans...and why shouldn't they? I would love to see all of the candidates dress up as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! and Quack! Quack! Quack! Right back at ya'...throw in an occasional cock-a-doodle-doo! Jest for the Zen of it.

Or they could wear Bozo the Clown outfits with big red noses in their contrived face-offs. Each time one of them told a fib then their nose would grow...just like Pinocchio. The first one who's big red nose fell off is the biggest loser...

It seems like all of the hype is so superfluous to anything real...no wonder Dick Cheney & George Bush haven't come out to endorse anyone. They're probably sitting at home with the remote watching all of the Mud-Slugging and thinking - "Thank God I am done with that part of my life." I would love to know what they are thinking...feeling. Maybe they will come out of the woodwork at the 11th hour.

I think it is an interesting observation to watch a current President run around the country still campaigning. As President of the US of A, I would think he has more pressing matters. I can see a former popular Prez doing it...I wonder just how you market and package all of this "change?" This magic? And exactly why should we the people trust what any politician says???

I feel this undercurrent of a revolution going on in America. We want our politicians held accountable for every single dime of our tax dollars. We want a money back guarantee. Tit-for-Tat. We want to go and pound on the door at 0300 and say - "This is broke - give me different...we want proof...we want action...we want responsibility."

Some folks think that this "early voting" hype leaves too much room for error and foul play. And word has it that the servicemen overseas fighting still haven't received their ballots. How is it that a convicted felon has precedence over soldiers in combat...am I missing something here?

There was a hair, a sliver, of an old and tired sex scandal that emerged out of thin air this past week...the Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas Affair...of 19 years ago. Apparently Mrs. Thomas called Anita and asked her to apologize for accusing her hubby....the whole thing has ruined their life...well, it isn't going to happen...no they are not getting in the hot tub at 0400 to sing Kumbaya together...talk about a blast out of the past...and the blue.

So every one knows about Juan Williams of NPR getting canned...for his thinking out loud statement on air...about how he felt about flying...what's next...a device that's inserted under the skull so the Thought Police can track your thoughts??? The media is still scapegoating Christine O'Donnell for one thing or the other...evolution vs creationism...or whatever nonsense they can muster up for the sake of controversy...none of them were there so how does anyone really know...really now...they make her out as some airhead when in reality they took clips out of context...

There is a 15% approval rate for Nancy Pelosi...and as the Donald goes there goes the nation...apparently Donald Trump contributed $50,000 to a Karl Rove independent group - American Crossroads - a Republican outfit. I guess he can't wait until after the elections to say - "You're fired!" Maybe he can host a new Apprentice Show called "The Wannabee Politician". People could cast their votes via phone for the candidates of their choice.

I love this country. Only a country as insane as ours could be this outrageously popular on the planet. Now we have a new party in New York called - The Rent Is Too Damn High Party - for the governor's race. It's kind vague as to whether or not the founder, Jimmy McMillian is paying rent or not...we have the Aqua-Buddha in Kentucky...the Jon Stewart & Steven Colbert rally in Washington D.C. Oct. 30...ads choreographed by professional dancers demonstrating how the candidates "dance around issues." I think I will start my own party and call it - The You've Got to be Kidding Party - why not? I have no idea what I would run for but it would be a hoot discovering what could come from it...

So, last but not least, former Surgeon General, Joycelyn Elders thinks that the US ought to legalize marijuana. She's probably sitting at home with her remote watching this election tea party mania. She's probably thinking out loud or even singing that song by Bob Dylan...Everybody Must Get Stoned...

So the Vaudevillian circus of American Politicks crusades onwards and upwards...the Republicans are absolutely sure that they will nail Congress and perhaps the Senate...the Democrats absolutely sure that they will stay in power...and we shall soon see...who will be here today and gone tamale...or Don't Worry Be Happy...the election process hasn't even got to a full boil yet...little public nuances are continuously erupting like - how come Senator Harry Reid lives at the Ritz Carlton in D.C. and 15% of his state is unemployed???

Blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah. Just who will be the last candidates standing? The 8 day countdown continues...Blue or Red??? Most folks just want to see more Green - as in $$$. And that my friends is the bottom line. Show me - us the money...either that or you're fired. You didn't do your job right. Forget about the weak words of "getting fired up and politicks as usual." I do believe that the real battle will begin after Election Day...and who exactly is counting the votes? And why should, We, I trust them?

Pardon me for my childlike wonder in politicks. I am just an armchair observer. I would love to see the day when I don't feel so jaded and cynical by all of this off-the-wall-smoke 'n' mirrors-political-hoedown-showdown...I'm casting my vote with Dial-A-Prayer for the best folks to win for the greatest good...

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