GooGoo GaGa - BooHoo BooHoo - I Got Shellacked!

Micheline Birger
Well 'ze big day in politicks as not usual is over...for the moment that is...a battle of sorts has been is definitely not over. President Dude admits he got "shellacked." Hey Mr. Prez, we all make mistakes. According to Webster Dictionary - (slang) - "A shellacking" means a whipping; flogging; beating...a thorough defeat." What an interesting choice of words from our current Dude-In-Defeat...why he's so upset that he jetted off to the exotic Far East to drum up business for the U.S. of I hear rumours of outsourcing...whaaaat???
Some sources say that his whole pomp & circumstance-escapade-rendezvous-kiss-kiss-circus cost the taxpayer $2 Billion dollars...for a ten day excursion...that comes to $200 million a bring 2000-3000 of his closet pals for the ride...Ca Ching!...and interestingly enough according to the Webster Dictionary - "a dude is a man too much concerned with his own manners and appearance; a dandy; a fop (a foolish person)...and/or a city person; a tourist." Of course the exorbitant cost of what it is costing for the adventure/business trip was officially denied by a White House spokesperson - dare I say - then it must be true? Someone once said it's only heresay until officially denied...ah the truth comes out.
Anyway, all the winners and losers are having a Big Bash on November 18th to meet with each other...oldies and newbies...I would love for them all to have an ole fashioned food fight...they will be serving Lame Ducks.
I must agree with Hilary Clinton when she says - "I don't believe half of what I read." Every time there is something seems to is then officially denied. Yes we do specialize in misinformation, don't we?
I am genuinely happy for all those that won...sorry for those who didn't...maybe we the little people who put them up there will rally around and have them totally accountable for all that they do and don't do...they can all wear ankle bracelets with an alarm to monitor their second by second activity.
Ex-Prez, George W. Bush has finally come out of the woodwork to promote his new book and tell the world that he is "done with politicks." For the first time, I actually believe a politician...he has had his fill of living nano-second by nano-second under a global microscope...he is over and out...done...fini...back to the ranch...Adios Amigos.
The Republican Chick Superstars that were ousted were Meg and Carly in California; Sharron in Nevada; Christine in Delaware. And we cannot forget Nancy Pelosi who no longer will be Speaker of the she wants to be a minority leader...everybody loves Nancy, don't they?
So I see the real question will be what will be done with health care reform? What are the Republicans going to do to fix the economy...besides less government spending and less government??? And don't forget all those niggling little wars we're in...that we want to get out of...and who...who-who-who...will be the front runners for the Presidential Election for 2012??? Will Sarah Palin be running although she firmly denies it? Will Hilary be running although she firmly denies it...personally I want it to be the Year of the Woman for Politicks...we shall see...we shall see...what we are seeing is that 'Dem Dems have 187 in the House and the Republicans have 239...and 9 are Undecided...and in the Senate we have 'Dem Dems with 53 and Republicans at 46 with One Undecided...and in the governor races...we have 29 Republicans and 16 Dems for all the states that had elections...
I guess we the ignorant-minion-peon-masses have spoken...the Prez of the Free World got his this the change that you envisioned...Mr. President??? In the meantime...American people...drink lots of water - exercise - watch your diet - laugh a lot - and if not in a committed monogamous relationship...practice safe sex...learn to keep yourself healthy on an ongoing basis...Don't Worry Be Happy... it's all good...that is the best free health care reform that anyone can ever gift themselves with...
So the world continues to churn for the young; the old; the restless and the brave...when all is said and done...will there be more said than done??? We shall see...we shall see...Whoops...I heard an ankle bracelet alarm go what??? Who just OK'ed another Billion Dollars??? Ca Ching!!! GooGoo GaGa BooHoo BooHoo - I Got Shellacked!
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Love ya'

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