Bling! Bling! Politicks...

Micheline Birger

First off - Happy Mother's Day - to all of you Mom's out there is blogosphere land - the hardest job in the world - despite what some Democrats may say...

But, back to business - buzz words that abounded this past week in political mediatopia land : underwear bombers; Prankster Mitt; Newsweek's cover calling Obama - The First Gay President - oh please, give me a break! Maalox! Maalox!

First off - whether gays to marry or not really but really does not affect me one way or the other. My feeling is - Keep the government out of America's Boudoir. All the gays I know pay taxes and work their butts off...they also give great parties...and the problem with that is???

Other people of course. Other people who stick their noses in other people's private business. Mind your own beeswax - thank you very much. Sorry Mr. Prez, America is not buying yet another of your divisive public know...deflecting from what the real issues are???

Issues like the economy and know that mandate that is currently being challenged in the Supreme Court? As unconstitutional? You know, that huge chunk out of the economy issue? Yeah, that one. I certainly hope you didn't forget that...I know, the government thinks that American tax-paying citizens are one big ATM machine - CaChing! Another trillion dollars please...! CaChing! CaChing!

But - getting down to the nitty-gritty, I came across the ad in the Talent Gig section of the Baltimore Craigslist...I laughed myself silly...

Actress needed for Horror-themed Commercial (Eastern Shore)

Date: 2012-04-23, 12:04PM EDT

Need 30-50 yr old female actress for shooting this week. Race doesn't matter...ability to look scared as hell, run fast, and scream loudly. There will be lines.

Please reply with head and full body shots (clothed, obviously), and short video (less than a minute) so we can hear/see how you are in front of camera. No need for professional video; iphone video is fine.

This may be a recurring role. Pay will be discussed for qualified applicants but, yes, there will be pay :o) Also, transportation will be provided to/from shooting location.

Glenn Morton

P.S. If you go to our website, click on "commercials" link at the top of the page to see the first 2 videos, and the "in the news" link to see the press so far.
  • Location: Eastern Shore
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
  • Compensation: to be discussed in interview
PostingID: 2974402156

It seems to me Mr. Prez...that this is one of the real issues that needs to be addressed...not some more lame promises & mainstream media smoke 'n'mirrors contortions. You know, the ones that Viagra and Social Anxiety Disorder has as their Big Pharma know that ads that tell men how impotent they are and how everyone in Idiot TV Land is unfit to go out in public? How dehumanizing...what's even worse that people buy into this malarkey...

Joseph Marie de Maistre (1753 - 1821) once said - "Every nation has the government that it deserves." He was a diplomat; lawyer, philosopher and statesman. I believe in a government for the people and by the people but things have changed. Mediatopia sees to it that air ad space disempowers folks...does the U.S. really have the government it deserves?

I hope not. But we keep on putting these people up there who's one and only purpose is to get in your bedroom...and justify yet another way to take your money,,,CaChing! Another trillion dollars please...U.S. Politicks...It is Bling! Bling! Isn't it now? Bling! Bling!


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