Pinocchio Politicks...ObamaScare Shrinks Prescribe Lie-A-Gra to Career Politicians

Micheline Birger

Does the current Big-Spender-In-Chief care that he is dubbed as an Amateur? Does he care that he was a pot-smoking rebel in his salad daze? Does he care that he has thrown away billions upon billions of taxpayer dollars with inept government loans to green companies? Non-household names such as - Raser Technology; ECOtality; Nevada Geothermal Power; First Solar; Abound Solar, Inc.; Beacon Power; SunPower; Brightsource and Solyndria? And that's only what is reported folks...Heaven knows what we don't know about...that's the scariest. CaChing!!! Let's raise taxes again...all you suckers out in USA are nothing but an ATM machine.

And of course let's put our head in the sand about the rising unemployment in May. CaChing! More $$$  please! CaChing! I'm off to yet another fundraiser to keep my coveted post on taxpayer time. CaChing! I fly my personal barber in from Chicago for my bald haircut twice a month. Don't I look fab? Hey, it seems like the only thing that is bald is people's wallets.

But of course, we all know that it is not politically correct to ID when you go voting. Doesn't every US citizen have to have some sort of ID? Of some sort? You know for tax purposes and other headaches of daily living in the US? Hey, I'll go to a grave site and register my dogs Fido, FiFi, and GusGus under dead people's names. Then I can go to a couple of different voting districts and vote illegally. Of course I wouldn't do that but how stupid do these cyborgs and aliens think we are? To allow this childish political correctness to continue?

I wonder about the American public. They are forever whining about jobs and the economy being their utmost concern. Yet they watch as America goes down the tubes along with their idiotic amateur economic policies...Insanity is keeping a guy in office who promises "change" that has a lot of folks hurting...the only thing the American public can truthfully ask is - Am I better off then when I was 3 1/2  years ago?

Some people may be, some not. Most Americans know more about American Idol and Dancing With the Stars then they know specific details of how their hard-earned tax dollars are going. Maybe we do have the government that we deserve...

I would love for all of these politicians who promote going green  to get on an aircraft powered by solar energy parts made in China. Or they can fly on windmill energy...but really all of the hot air in the Washington, D.C. could fuel a missile to the moon...everything is a crock! CaChing! The more things change, the more things remain the same.

Even Bill Clinton is endorsing Romney. He thinks the guy has done a stellar job as far as Billy Boy is concerned. He's defecting from the Big-Amateur-In-Chief. There's even talk that they're going to put Hiliary Clinton on the ballot at the Democratic Convention and take Obama off the ballot. Now, that's change...

Anyway, I heard that ObamaCare psychiatrists prescribe medication to these political despots in this current administration so they can remember to effectively lie everyday as soon as their eyes open. Lie-A-Gra seems to be the most popular...then a close runner up is Fib-a-lis which can last up to 36 hours - for when the moment is right...they can still lie...even in their sleep...even if they're caught with their pants down...

ObamaScare shrinks prescribe these medications to autocrats in power who have a diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder coupled with Megalomania-Psychotic Delusions of Grandeur with Pinocchio Pathology.

Well, that's my rant this week, like it or not - over and out. I'm singing the old Peggy Lee song - Is That All There Is? Well, I guess so...for today that is...I have a pulse...I am grateful...I am fully alive. Am I the only one who sees through this political transparency? I think not. Americans are rising. No wonder I write books called My Sister Murdered My Parakeet.

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