Plan B - Deep Brain Stimulation for Political Pathology

Micheline Birger

I'm LOL about creative political fundraising by the current administration. I ran across this website to keep the current Big-Spender-In-Chief's coffers filled. You know, to keep this guy in the-laughingstock-of-the-world-White-House. Another Divisive Plan to Take Your Dollars by Current Administration Yes, folks, please click the link above. It is real! No joke! No lie!

The Obama Event Registry! Got a birthday, anniversary or wedding coming up? Obama wants to take your money once again. $$$CaChing! Let your friends know how important this election is to you...register with Obama in 2012 and ask for a donation in lieu of a gift. It's a great way to support the President on your big day! Plus, it's a gift that we can all appreciate and it goes a lot further than a gravy-bowl.

Setting up and sharing your registry page is easy - so get started today! Register with OBAMA 2012.

And this desperate plea of crisis help was masterminded by??? I certainly hope that the campaign dollars he does receive goes to hiring people who are more innovative than this transparent sham. The utter chutzpah - the utter nerve. Yep, Mr. President, you did say it yourself - The Audacity of Hope. The snowball's chance in Heaven that you get re-erected...even your fundraisers are Amateurs...might as well say - Attention K-Mart Shoppers!

Mind you, if you want to sacrifice birthday, anniversary and wedding gifts, then please don't read this blog. And for the others who want to read the latest LOL adolescent escapades from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave - then laugh along with me. Laughing people don't shoot. Mind you, I do not condone or condemn any of these remarks by the taxpaying citizens of the U.S.A.

These comments were taken from the June 22, 2012 of Weasel Zippers. "And just when you thought pandering was wasn't low enough...could he be any more pompous or desperate??? I'm sending Obama a crying towel to be used election night...the classless lazy bum has no this scumbag will raid Jr's. college about a case of adult diapers and a list of suicide hot line numbers?" Can you feel the love for this man?

I continue. "Political whores and sluts...what's next??? Sell  a kidney? Oh my Lord! How low can they go? Pretty soon they will force everyone to pay dues to them - like a unions...we already do - it's called taxes...the administration has been p_ssing away our money for 31/2 years."

The people speak. "What dumb a__es, it's called a Gravy BOAT! See how your kids like - 'I didn't get you a birthday present - I donated it to Obama.' I am sure that they will be on this like a duck on a June Bug...this is tacky, tawdry and low on so many levels...the only thing that they didn't do was ask that you give to them as a memorial for some one's funeral...Oh wait...that will be next."

The people continue..."Well Michelle just told us that we are all married to Obama, so it makes sense that he wants our anniversary gifts...right now, he's just asking but if he is re-elected, eventually he'll just take it...HaHa! Why doesn't he and his tacky wife forgo vacations, the cost of golf and give that taxpayer's money to the national debt? Stupid, ignorant moron!"

Comments are infinite. "I can't imagine the Obama family foregoing "anything" for anyone else-million dollar vacations, weekly golf outings, and Mexican vacations for his children - this family thrives on the income of others...once again The-Imbecile-In-Chief proves what a worthless POS he is...when him and Moochelle got married did they turn down any gifts? He needs to worry more about the Economy and Unemployment instead of this. I wouldn't give a single penny to this lump of manure."

More voices of Americana's. "What's next...people's vacation money? Mom's 96...forget the hip replacement...give the money to Obama. He needs it more than she does...the sad thing is that there is people stupid enough to do it. It smacks of desperation though and I like that...Why not ask the government hand-out community to forgo a few months of welfare checks and food stamps? Obama and his wife will go down as the biggest failure in a social experiment...what's sad is that there are lemmings who will do exactly what their leader says."

Well, that's all for now folks. The American people have voiced their opinions on this latest political ploy from the current administration. Sounds like he has mustered up a lot of support from folks I quoted in this I love the Big-Spender-In-Chief''s creative financing. No folks, I did not make any of this If You Think That You Can Dance and American Idol is what Americans really care about - think again.

This whole administration needs Political Deep Brain Stimulation or PDBS. It would be easy to access. It's done at Georgetown University Hospital...right there in the nation's capital...I don't know if ObamaScare insurance will pay for it or not...eventually it will...just go on a waiting list as part of the Health Reform Packet...that's only after they empty your wallet completely...Ta! Ta!

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