Question Everything & Happy Father's Day Daddy!

Micheline Birger

Why would anyone believe what the media - The News - says about anything??? They fabricate the truth; they twist facts or blatantly leave out any relevant details depending on what they want to cover up. Biased News - that's what the free channel network news needs to call themselves. Biased News and the sponsors that support them.

For example, Big Pharma, now that's a huge one. Why on earth would any mere mortal with two brain cells rubbing together want to ingest anything in their sacred body temple that causes strokes, heart attacks or death??? Of course this is so cleverly concealed with the speed-freak announcer that speaks faster than a speeding bullet so as to get all of these big details - not little details - in their 30 to 60 second paid for time-slot. $$$CaChing$$$

Self-diagnosis please! Now run to your doctor, while you can, before ObamaScare, the unconstitutional-forced-in-your-face-health-scare-reform is shoved down your throat. Word isn't in yet what the Supreme Court says about this waste of paper is legal or not...hopefully it will be left on the cutting room floor...

I love being cynical. It keeps me motivated and more importantly it gives me something worthwhile to write about. It's my hobby to see how translucent The News; Big Pharma & Politicks are so much in bed with each other. Two words of wisdom to the American Public - Stay Healthy! That's if you choose. If you think that big government health is going to take care of you - think again!

They can't even budget Your Money to balance the books so they create ways to pass more dumb laws to keep on putting their hand in your pocket. CaChing$ We screwed up again...we're ending class warfare...$CaChing$...we're redistributing the wealth...$CaChing$...what a bunch of cock 'n' bull! Pure and simple. Hard-working Americans - You are the suckers...$CaChing$ are an endless ATM machine...$CaChing$

However, on softer note, I want to acknowledge my Dad, up in Heaven, with the angels. He was the best Dad I could ever been blessed with. He died when I was 15 but he raised me to think for myself and not take any wooden nickels...

He served in the U.S. Military. He gifted me with the grand opportunity to live internationally the first 15 years of my life. It was the best education that money couldn't buy! Thanks to him, I received VA Benefits to get my degree at the University of Maryland. So thanks Daddy for serving your country...

My Dad loved me unconditionally. He never raised his voice or his hand to me. He taught me to be an individual. He taught me to be an independent thinker. He always said to me - Learn the English language and learn to speak it well...if anything will get you anything in life it's the power of the English language - don't use words you don't know the meaning of and if you don't know the meaning of a word - look it up! In other words don't be lazy!

I thank you Daddy for the backbone that you instilled in me at a young age. I thank you that I have only fond memories of you. I only wish that I could have been a better daughter, but I was just a know-it-all kid. You know, I was a military brat that took everything for granted. Because of you Daddy, I am the best person I can possibly be without being a doormat.So thank you Daddy - Happy Father's Day - thank you so much for love and commitment to fatherhood the short time I knew you...

And for the rest of the citizens in the U.S. - Question Everything - Yes, the Media-o-Cracy; Big Pharma and Politicks are as skewed as they seem...can't you see through them?.. are you just going to let them do your thinking for you by numbing you with misinformation and pills that kills? Don't hold back...and Question Everything - and Daddy, I salute you, Happy Father's Day!

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