Let Them Eat Spam...Still No New Sex Scandal...


Micheline Birger

Well, last week in the 'ze world of politicks as usual centered on our current Big-Spender-In-Chief globetrotting rustling up business for the US of A....we'll see if it makes a dent on the home front...zzzzzzzzzz....

Meanwhile, back in Alaska, there's a Texas-Hold-Em-Draw & Count...they don't have a defined, declared winner in the Senate race...is it Tea Party Candidate Joe Miller or incumbent Lisa Murkowski...I hope I spelled her name right...she was a write-in candidate...both insist that they won...she is not giving up her throne until the last ballot is counted...tit-for-tat...Alaska is still trying to figure out what intention vs. a real vote is...for all of the folks that couldn't spell her name right...apparently the name has to be spelled exactly like it is on the election registry...we shall see...we shall see...so they remain in character posturing and sucker-punching each other...if Mississippi lent her New Jersey - what would Delaware - I don't know I'll Alaska...

An old sex scandal resurfaced as a deep healing...revelation of sorts...for (R) Governor Mark Sanford (S.C.) & his affair with Don't Cry for Me Argentina - Maria Belan Chapur...she was his soul mate...he begged the public for their forgiveness & he got it. 70% of the folks thought he was a good gov...but it did cost him his marriage...now he's on a deep inner journey...is Maria still part of that journey??? Well...now he is a free man...true lovers will always find a way to be with each other if it is meant to be...his term is up after the New Year...so what he does now is whatever he does...

A gal named Lawless out of American University says -"There is something fundamentally wrong with a political system that elects such a small number of women when women constitutes such a majority of the population." Ya' think??? That's what I've been saying all along. Look at how the media-o-cracy crucifies the political women...Hilary; Meg; Sarah; Christine...I definitely want to see more women up there...it's about time...they can't bungle anything worse than what they guys have...sexism is alive and well in America...and yes, we gals have the power to alter politics simply because we outnumber the male population...so what's the problem?

So the Democratic Party is still a House Undecided & Divided on what to do with "The Nancy"...Nancy Pelosi that is...should they throw Nancy from the train...is she an asset...or is she herstory??? And on the Republican side, they think that Michael Steele needs to go...you know the guy who went around the US of A in the Fire Pelosi Bus...so it doesn't matter...'Dem Dems or Republicans...they are all in a flux...infighting and backbiting...you know...politicks as usual. And don't forget the meeting of the minds this week with all of the powers that be...in D.C....those still in...those going out...and all the new kids on the block...and their Lame Duck sessions....

The pollsters are already geared for 2012...who will beat the current Dude in the White House...Romney - Huckabee - Sarah??? Apparently it's leaning to the guy candidates...folks want to know whether Obama is re-electable? And is Hilary waiting in the wings???

Meanwhile, folks got stranded on a Carnival Cruise Line...they did serve them free drinks and airlifted Spam to them...did they all actually see a missile being launched off the coast of Southern California in their alcoholic hallucinations??? Or was it a mirage? Or am I getting my headlines mixed up???

Insightful quips heard on the air & in the air this past week were - Politicks is not pretty...there is no civility to politics...no one takes politics seriously...I must say that all this is true...how can we the little people take any of them seriously...watching all of these educated scholars resort to name-calling; accusations of all sorts; heresay and gossip. I heard this one older gal say that the only thing the government is good for is "collecting taxes and delivering the mail."

So we shall see what unfolds this week with this changing of the guard...Lame Duck Sit-Down Dinner-a-la-Food-Fight...in the meantime take the Zen approach to life - Just don't do something...stand there! And let them eat Spam!!!


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