The Donald Gets His First Vote & Where Is the Sex Scandal???
Micheline Birger
Yakety-Yak, don't talk back, not really much to say on America's political front this week. To shut down the government or not shut it down??? - That is the question that everyone in D.C. is posturing about...yawn...Republicans are huffing and puffing about 'ze budget $$$ mean no more Cowboy Poetry? And then there's that little petty-thorn-in-the-side civil war in Libya that is costing a fortune...and no we are not at war there...we just flew by to drop some bombs and spend a ton 'o' money...CaChing$$$ the Chinese say - It all adds up. Of course Japan is still sorting through it's debris...and the 2012 Presidential Campaign is gaining momentum.
Quite frankly, it seems that the 2012 campaign started as soon as the current Big-Spender-In-Chief took seems like that is what this whole term has been about since his inauguration...oh well...I have made it this far regardless of which mouthpiece is up there...the ultimate of ultimate questions still remains...who is going to beat this guy in the Oral Office? Will it be a boy and a girl? Two girls? A girl and a boy? Or will the US of A grant him, the King of the Free World full professorship...we shall see.
It looks like the only one of the Republicans who has officially thrown his hat in the ring is Tim Pawlenty ( Congrats Tim for taking a stand...all the other potentials are busy on the sidelines starting these online chicken explorations to see where they stand...they're scooping up all the quasi-media spins...studying the ethereal sound bytes -
Speaking of bites...can The Donald garner anymore media attention than he is currently? For a guy who is a decisive-incisive-billionaire-extraordinaire-champion-of-champions-money-maker...why can't he commit to running for Prez? (,0,3180248.story )
He's here...he's there...he's everywhere...just like Superman or Spiderman - or someone like that. He speaks very publicly on how he would handle the world mess and this fair land if he were King of the Free World...but will The Donald take the plunge? That is the Big Question...and can he get nominated by the Republican Party? (
One thing I am sure of is if The Donald does decide to make the leap of faith...he is in it to win it. Can his ego handle a possible defeat if he does run? We shall see.
From Celebrity Apprentice to Fox on Mondays(,0,1944277.story )...comic Lewis Black is right on about The Donald...I do believe that Mr. Trump has garnered his first vote via Mr. Black ( ) Can you imagine The Donald his very first day in office? He would say to all - You're fired...and Mr. Obama, now you can show your birth certificate? Yada...yada...yada.
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