Poltical Hieroglyphics...Food Fights & No New Sex Scandal
Micheline Birger
Well, it's the end of Love Month...seems like a worldwide revolution going on...on all continents. On with the new and off with the old...whether one likes it or not...CaChing$$$...why is this costing me again? The U.S.'s demoralizing political bickering nauseously continues...The Sarah (R) is going to India and Jerry Springer gives The Sarah a wink...Christine O'Donnell (R) thinks she can dance...The Donald's numbers inch up for 2012...Republicans are ahead on a generic poll...Rush Limbaugh thinks that Michelle O. is a poor role model...The White House appoints it's first openly gay Social Secretary and everybody and their mother wants Gadhafi of Libya to go...Bye! Bye!
Well, I certainly didn't create this mess...I just have to live with it like everyone else...so much venom that has erupted this last month...it just seems that no matter what is going on world wide, it affects my wallet...in one way or the other...and so My Definition of Politics still reigns true..."keep the rich - rich; the poor - poor; and justify to everyone else in the middle why they have to pay for it." What is going on - I wonder???
Well, The Sarah is going to India in March. She will speaking at the India Today conclave in New Delhi...she's sharpening up her international diplomatic relations...(http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/02/23/sarah-palin-india-trip_n_827388.html) and talk show host Jerry Springer talks up The Sarah. "I don't want her to be President...I don't agree with her views...but I would never say anything mean about her...she is incredibly charismatic...I don't think that there is anything mean-spirited about her." (http://www.cnn.com/2011/POLITICS/02/25/political.circus/index.html)
Christine O'Donnell was asked to be on Dancing with the Stars...she's undecided from what I understand...I am sure her Facebook page will keep us up to date...hey, she's been characterized on Saturday Night Live...she has a whole entertainment career carved out for herself because - "I Am Not a Witch" and "I Am You". Hey Christine...go for it. Why be a person when you can be a paid personality? (http://www.cnn.com/2011/POLITICS/02/23/political.circus/index.html)
Will The Donald throw his hat in the ring for Prez in 2012? According to a poll by Newsweek/Daily Beast...it showed the face off between Obama and him would be 43 - 41...as The Donald remarks..."I am not really that surprised...because it is a message of common sense. We can have a great country again...the problem is we don't have the right leadership." (http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2011/02/23/positive-polls-dont-surprise-trump/) And according to a generic poll, the Republicans lead 49-43 among likely voters. (http://voices.washingtonpost.com/politics/polling.html?nid=roll_polls) The only way The Donald will do it is if he knows with absolute certainty that he can win. We shall see...
Talk show icon, Rush Limbaugh continues to question the First Lady's Loyalty to her food bandwagon...apparently she did a meal of ribs in Vail...1500 calories and 141 grams of fat per serving...such pettiness...I guess the food police texted him what she ate...is it a case of do as I say not as I do? Food for thought...I would love to see him at a White House luncheon...or dinner...discussing her menu options -(http://whitehouse.blogs.cnn.com/2011/02/21/limbaugh-takes-aim-at-michelle-obamas-waistline/) but or butt - hey - the newly appointed White House openly gay Social Secretary could pencil it in on their schedules...(http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/02/25/white-house-names-first-openly-gay-social-secretary/?ref=politics) it would certainly be a grand affair...we can all be civil...can't we?
And last but not least, what are we going to do about Libya? And Gadhafi? Barack and Hilary thinks he ought to go...ya' think? Senator John McCain and Senator Joe Lieberman concur (http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2011/02/27/senators-criticize-obama-over-libya/) but no matter what, we are still paying for it one way or the other....
So another Love Month ends around the globe...2011...Year of the Rabbit...everyone get their rabbit's foot out...the political food fights continue...world wide....the question still remains...who but who will beat the current Big-Spender-In-Chief of the U.S.A. in the next election??? Criticize and be petty all ye may...that still remains to be the 14 trillion dollar question...CaChing$$$. The dogs bark and the caravan moves on...meanwhile why I am paying for all of the world's problems at the pump? Yes, Political Hieroglyphics just doesn't add up...
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Labels: 2012 Elections;political satire blogs; Christine O'Donnell; Sex Scandals;Donald Trump for Prez, political satire blog