Temporary Political Sanity & A Tawdry Sex Scandal In Sweden Leaks Out


Micheline Birger

Imagine this...we are in a theatre...the curtain goes up...there is a man sobbing on the phone with his back to the audience...he speaks in broken cries..."Oh please Bill, please Bill...come and talk to my people...tell 'em...make 'em understand that I can be trusted...boohoo...boohoo...boohoo...and that I am willing to compromise...oh please Bill...please-please-please-Bill," bemoans Obama. "Talk some sense in them Bill...they don't like me anymore." He turns around to face the audience...big alligator teardrops fall from his big brown eyes.

Obama turns his back again to audience. He continues his song of woe. "Please come to unfunckle (my new made up word...meaning to debunk, unfurl, demystify, untangle) this new tax bill for me. I've got to get back on the saddle again...I am willing to compromise...really I am." In the background we hear the music from the famous jazz musician - Mose Allison - playing - Your Mind Is On Vacation But Your Mouth Is Working Overtime...and streamed in through the phone on the other line is the Coasters - Yakety Yak - Don't Talk Back. Obama turns to audience with an ear to ear grin. Curtain. Lights dim.

Yes, it is true...Billy Boy Clinton conceded and came to the rescue to help Obama clean up his spilt milk...his wet burp...help to change his messy diaper. "I don't like to compromise...after all, I am Prez-Big-Spender-In-Chief-Dude...and I never did play well in the sandbox with others"...Obama laments..."but thanks Bill...you are one of the greatest Presidents of all time...the country thrived with you in charge...you know, I think I am going to actually read your book...do you have an autographed copy that I could have...President Clinton? I must copy success...copy success..." Curtain down. Act of desperation completed...for now.

Moving on from one Big Wig to yet another Big Wig of sorts...we have Julian Assange...either the World loves him or totally detests him...the WikiLeaks Founder...from Australia - Mate - is he a Devil or Angel? Cop or Robber? Good or Evil? Cowboy or Indian? Saint or Sinner? Braveheart or Coward? Terrorist or Pacifist? Friend or Foe? And what is this nonsense in Sweden about his condom breaking while having consensual sex??? Sex by surprise...I guess we can call him The Leaky Geek...that's a great name for all of his Interpol adventures coming to you from the nearest cable in Cyberspace...

And we cannot forget about Sarah...the media-o-cracy loves to pick on Sarah, Inc; The Sarah; Sarah Palin-isms...whatever one would like to address her as...I just wonder why...the media-o-cracy programs the public to dislike and disdain her...why-why-why??? I asked a female septuagenarian why she disliked Sarah? She just said - "She's pathetic." Why? I pressed. "Because she says stupid things." Like what? Be specific...I said. "Oh, I don't know," she said.

I then quoted some Sarah-isms to her. "Some in the GOP establishment have a problem with me because I have been taking on the Good 'Ole Boy Network for a couple of decades now...some of the Good 'Ole Boys don't like that." On another occasion she spoke of the country rejecting Obama's agenda. "Obama sees America as the problem; I see America as the solution." On another occasion she said - "You thought pit bulls were tough? You don't want to mess with a Mama Grizzly." And, I ask, what is so stupid about any of these remarks??? They are sharp and insightful...to the point.

Another Sarah-ism is: "My positions are not at all controversial. The majority of Americans agree with me across the board on issues. I think that it is a personal thing that probably stems from the media demonetization and mischaracterization of what I stand for...shoot, if I really believed all that those guys write about me...I wouldn't like me either." She sounds exactly like Hillary when the Hill says - "I don't believe half of what I read." And neither do I...and I hope most folks don't either.

And speaking of folks from Alaska...apparently Tea Party Candidate Joe Miller who won the primary for state senator but lost the election to write-in candidate and incumbent Lisa Murkowski...well, another final answer to Joe is No-No-No from his hearing last week on who won...he's stewing and contemplating whether or not he will take the judgment to the State Supreme Court to appeal...as he sees it....there is still some details that need to be hashed out...but is it worth going to the nth degree??? Alaska is really cold this time of year...looks like Lisa won...she's going to Washington D.C. as State Senator...stay tuned...

So, it is back to politicks as usual...give back Bill Clinton his throne until re-election time rolls around...let him be Prez...but that ain't gonna happen...just wishful thinking that is on a lot of people's minds...the ultimate question still remains - who will beat the current Big-Spender-In-Chief??? Who will be the GOP frontman or frontwoman? We shall see...for a brief moment in time there was a glimmer of Political Sanity...temporary and fleeting at best...but when Bill speaks...all hopefully listened...he never left the podium.

Speaking of listening...the best quote of the year for a politician... goes to Christine O'Donnell and her "I Am Not a Witch" campaign slogan. This according to a Yale Librarian. Go Christine!!!

So the only sex scandal is Bad Boy Julian Assange in Sweden with his little leaky sex-a-pade...I guess he is singing the blues in his cell now - I'm Just a Leaky Geek From Australia - Yakety Yak - Don't Talk Back...

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