Political Burlesque & Still No Real Sex Scandal - Yet!
Micheline Birger
So the Republicans are in the House huffing and puffing...'dem Dems are refudiating all of the hot air...so what else is new darling??? We are in the deep doldrums of the 2010 wake-up call of politicks - Lame Brain vs. Lame Duck a la political boredom extraordinaire...and speaking of Burlesque...according to Webster's Dictionary - it is defined as - "Any broadly comic or satirical imitation of something...derisive caricature; parody." So that is what we are experiencing currently - The Grande Burlesque of Politicks.
Prez Big-Spender-In-Chief-Dude made a surprise visit to Afghanistan this past week to cheer up the troops...I surmise...he did thank them for all that they are doing...his biography DVD made by the Biography Channel retailed originally for $12.95...marked down to $6.98...now marked down to $4.98...the price keeps dropping...slipping away... at my neighborhood independent bookstore...politicks as usual remains politicks as usual...it just will not change...that is the constant.
So now the "Sacred Cows" in the out of control budget for the U.S. of A. is 1)'Ze military...what to do...what to do with the military budget??? 2)Social InSecurity...what to do with Grandma's and Grandpa's hard-earned money that they paid into all of these years...3)Taxes - what to exempt and what to deduct???... Senator Boehner (R) calls the new Tax Vote - chicken crap.
Great quotes heard on the air and in the air this past week goes to Gene Simmons - the famous Israeli-American Rock Star - aka - The Demon - in the 70's rock band KISS...he now wants "his vote back from Obama...I want the government out of my life." Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, niece of JFK attacked Sarah Palin saying that "she is wrong about JFK; religion; and politicks."
Hillary joked about the Wiki-Leaks at a reception for Kennedy Center Honors. "I am writing a cable about it which I am sure that you will find at your closest website." And NO - the Hill is not resigning her post as Secretary of State...she just had a bad hair week all week last week...and NO - she will not be replacing Joe for the VP bid...the rumor control is really out of control...no wonder Hill says - "I don't believe half of what I read."
And I don't either. It's all surreal. It's all printed on paper.... the Internet...the TV...the radio...in a magazine or some type of media - it's not real...the whole charade of politicks is just not real to the average American...it's all smoke 'n' mirrors...it's an illusion...all these folks in power...they are just an image in a video or a still photo at a photo-op...or a voice on the radio.
Sarah Palin hit back at Barbara Bush in an interview for Barbara saying on air that Sarah "ought to go back to Alaska"...Sarah said - "I don't believe that the majority of Americans want to put up with the bluebloods...with all due respect, I love the Bush's...the bluebloods who want to pick the winners instead of allowing competition." Very well said Sarah...no wonder you are Taking America by Heart...Sarah is quite the warrior...she told BaBa WaWa that she could beat Prez Dude in the next election...go Sarah!!!
What I think is interesting is Sarah has the world as her stage...her oyster...her captive audience...from an unknown Governor of cold - cold - cold resource rich Alaska...to one of the most talked about...written about...satirized women of the 21st Century in America...that's a lot of power, by golly, a lot of power. Everywhere she goes she has a flock of media bloodhounds tagging at her heels...ready to pounce on her without a moment's notice...and/but she just doesn't care. She's funny - she is witty - and she's smart as a whip. Daresay, I say, she dares to say what she says - even if everyone refudiates her.
What is the most interesting...of all the Republican hopefuls for the 2012 Prez Bid...of all those chosen...and them being...Mike Huckabee; Mitt Romney; Tim Pawlenty; Jeb Bush; Mitch Daniels; Bobby Jindal; Newt Gingrich; Haley Barbour; John Thune; Marco Rubio...she is the most talked about and the most popular...she is a household name...Sarah...Little Princess.
Speaking of Alaska...the final answer for the dragged out Senate dilemma...Tea Party Candidate Joe Miller who won the primary but lost the general election to incumbent Lisa Murkowski...a write-in candidate...well...it is still undecided on who will be State Senator. There is a hearing this Wednesday somewhere in Alaska...zzzzzzzz.......we'll see which way the wind will blow....maybe they ought to draw straws at this point...
So the Burlesque Political Show plays 24/7 at any media outlet near you...and everybody but everybody knows that the question really is...who can beat Obama from the long list of potential GOP Candidates...and/or will Hillary throw her hat in the ring for Prez??? She just hasn't cabled out that memo - yet - to be leaked at a website near you...and still no sex scandal yet...good golly Ms. Molly...what is this country coming to??? No sex scandal in politicks? Bill, where are you?
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Labels: Hilary Clinton, Lame duck sessions, political satire blog, Sarah Palin