Let Them Eat Steak...Still No Sex Scandal - Yet!
Micheline Birger
The White House wined, dined and kowtowed to Prez Hu Jintao of China...could it be that little ole trillion dollars or so that the U.S. owes China? Could that have something to do with it? I wonder. Even Barbra Streisand showed up to the dinner with hubby James Brolin because she at one time "worked in a Chinese restaurant." Hey, I eat Chinese food and I wasn't invited.
The Donald, Donald Trump thinks that the whole steak dinner was like Sleeping with the Enemy or could even be like The Turning of the Screw type of deal. I will paraphrase The Donald - "They're manipulating their currency...you don't have a steak dinner for the enemy...we're letting them get away with murder...send them to McDonald's to eat...they're laughing at us." Watch you back U.S. ... no lead paints China, O.K?
A Straw Poll in New Hampshire had Mitt Romney as the winner for the 2012 GOP Primary. This was followed by, in percentage order; Ron Paul of Texas; Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota; followed by The Sarah of Alaska; Michelle Bachman of Minnesota; Senator Jim DeMint of S. Carolina; Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey and then The Donald - Billionaire Extraordinaire. This was like a pre-audition for the play - A Chorus Line - except it's GOP Prez material...every body's got a story...some more convincing than others.
I wonder when the media and press will get off of Sarah's back...apparently that is about to become a reality...Washington Post Op-Ed Columnist - Dana Milbank says he is declaring February - A Sarah Palin Free Month. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/01/20/AR2011012004349.html Everyone wants to know if she is running...I don't know...depends on who you ask. There's lots who think she is beautiful. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olX1MFXrGG8&feature=related She has inspired great song in Texas that has become a viral YouTube sensation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhMepzqJvIw&feature=related Even comic George Lopez has jumped on the Sarah bandwagon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DT7fkdjuG0
What's next for The Sarah? Acting? Singing? Dancing? Her own cooking show? She is amazing. She can do it all. She can spear down salmon...skin it...fry it in the pan and serve it with or without a hair out of place...all without losing a beat...wow...she is the Amazing Race...
In the meantime, Nancy Pelosi (D) will take up belly dancing in Congress to garner attention in her new demotion...John Boehner (R) will sing - Somewhere Over the Rainbow before every meeting and Prez Dude will continue to chant - Blue Skies...Nothing But Blue Skies - But - no matter which way anyone sings, dances, hunts, or fishes...the $14 trillion dollar question still remains...who will be running in 2012? Who will be in the final Chorus Line for that audience vote? The Dial-A-Winner extravaganza for either the GOP or 'Dem Dems? And that my friends - is the bottom line.
As the Tibetan Buddhist Monks say; "When you're sleeping and dreaming...that is the reality; when you are awake...that is the illusion." So, Let Them all Eat Steak...yawn... and everyone but everyone is still awaiting for....drumroll please - The Sex Scandal...stay tuned.
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Labels: 2010 Top Events; Sarah Palin; Hillary Clinton; Health Care Reform; political satire blog