Micheline's Top 5 Awards 2010...Politicks-World-Personal


Micheline Birger

Another opening...another show...another closing of a decade...what was this decade about? War...recession...Facebook...terrorism...exposure of political corruption??? Where did it go? Time moves so quickly. Hmmm...the Decade of America finally waking up to the fact that we are not the world's sweetheart? The Decade of American terrorism? The Decade of America...finally realizing that the way we have been proceeding energetically as a nation is broke...just not working anymore... are we on the verge of the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius? The Decade of Revelation that things are falling apart only to come together in a much more fitting fashion for all?...whatever...everyone has an opinion...we must honor that...after all it's just another viewpoint...and this is America...and God Bless this country.

Political kudos to Rahm Emmanuel (D) who is now legally able to run for 'De Mayor of Chicago...to Joe Miller & Lisa Murkowski (R) who are still duking it out for that cherished Senate seat in Alaska - another hearing - another delay...hopefully this will be settled before someone goes to Washington in 2011...it will probably be Lisa but I can't say that Joe didn't give it his best shot...

Other highlights are that gays can now serve openly in the military...Bush's Tax Cuts is good for another two years...we're still in Afghanistan and Iraq at war...the U.S. is more than 13 Trillion in the hole...the U.S. Population is more than 308,745,538...all these people...and that's who was counted...the political whirlwind just spins round and round and where she begins and where she ends...nobody knows.

Micheline's Top Political Awards for 2010 goes to - (not necessarily in order...I vacillate) This is just my personal opinion...5) Bill & Hillary Clinton (D)...cosmic political delegates...they were born & bred for the political world...they're like the Ever-Ready Bunny...they just keep going and going and going. 4) Christine O'Donnell (R) Former candidate from Delaware for Congress - We love you Christine..."I am not a witch...I just dabbled in it." "I am you." "I didn't go to Yale." And I am still unsure about her stance on masturbation...but who cares? 3) Sarah Palin (R) - Who can refudiate The Sarah? The ex-governor of Alaska who Twitters and Tweets...and even has her own TV Show. She's going Rogue and Vogue with her doll line-up collection...yes Sarah...you have taken America by Heart. 2) John Boehner (R) - The new Speaker of the House who is subject to fits of crying because he either has hormone issues or is still dumbfounded that he came from such humble roots and is living the American Dream. Congrats John! 1) Sheila Dixon (D) - the former Mayor of Baltimore who got canned-ousted-fired-impeached for allegedly stealing gift cards from the poor and gifting herself. She did make national news and the Jay Leno cut. I felt sorry for her...I sent her a gift card for Christmas.

Micheline's Top 5 World Events both nationally and internationally for 2010 is - (not in order necessarily) 5) TSA Patdowns or Irradiation in U.S. Airports...nothing much to say, is there? 4) Health Care Law-Disorder-Prevarications about ObamaCare or is it ObamaScare? To ration or not ration, that is the question...oh, and don't forget this new End of Life monkey business that just surfaced at the 11th hour. 3) Chilean Miners Rescue-Haitian Earthquakes and the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf. 2) Republican takeover of the House and Throw Nancy from the Senate and replace her with a sensitive guy - John Boehner - The BooHoo Guy - Gosh, a sensitive man in politicks...I love it. 1) The WikiLeaks starring the Leaky Geek - Julian Assange - is it truth or is it fiction? Smoke 'n' mirrors? Misinformation at it's finest...nothing is what it seems...ever!

Micheline's Top 5 People - Dead or Alive - for 2010 is - 5) Carol Burnett, the brilliant comedic actress who mastered the art of being dysfunctional. 4) Lucille Ball who still makes the world laugh. Thank you Lucy...I Love Lucy...one of the funniest sitcoms ever. 3) Gilda Radner, the Saturday Night Live comedic actress of the 70's. "It's always something, if it's not one damn thing, it's another." Thank you Gilda! 2) Louise Hay, author of the international best-selling book - You Can Heal Your Life. She is essentially the Grande Dame of healing your life at a very deep level. The Queen of Affirmations - the Soul Queen. She has helped millions worldwide with her radio shows; books from her publication house and her magnificent persona. Thank you for your inspired work on the planet Louise! http://www.hayhouseradio.com/index.php 1) John & Denise Birger...my Mom & Dad...both in Spirit...who loved and cared for me...were the best teachers in my life... and who taught me the value of humor...Thank you Mom & Dad.

Have a wonderful and Prosperous 2011...and if you are looking for a new love in 2011 - wear brand new red underwear on January 1, 2011. The New Year will be wonderful...really it will. God, we can all breathe now...we made it through another decade...and another year. Wow, what an event...God Bless! And congrats to Hugh Heffner for his engagement on Christmas Day - I see lots of Viagra in his future...



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