Sex-Lies-Taxes & Prostitutes...Politicks As Usual

Micheline Birger
Germany is now taxing Working is true...times are so bad all over the world that a city in Germany is instituting a Pleasure Tax for prostitutes...approximately 6 Euros a day...which when adjusted on any given Sunday in U.S. dollars & nonsense adds up to about $4-$5 per day...just to open up shop. Seems to me that the John's ought to be paying that tax...I wonder where they pay the City Hall open 24/7 in this German town? It seems more logical to get either a weekly or monthly pass...just to get it over with in one big swoop...
Speaking of sex...the Leaky Geek from Australia - Mate - Julian Assange is out on bail in England...doing Lord knows what...maybe he ought to take a trip to Germany and help boost the economy in that German city...
There is no more Everybody Lies About Their Sex Life in the U.S. of A. of sorts...Don't Ask Don't Tell is now Do Ask Do's now legal that gays can serve openly in the's about time...this is the U.S. of A. where all men and women are created long as people do their job, pay taxes and contribute...who is any government to interfere with personal affairs?...It's not personal, is it?
Now...the Lie portion...according to, the biggest fib being marketed in the U.S. is that with Obamacare...the government will take over health care. Hey Doc, I got this pain and it won't go's called - Who shall pay? Who shall pay? Another whopper is that little $2 billion-dollar-10-day-all-expense-paid-dog & pony show to the Far East by our current Big-Spender-In-Chief to rustle up business for the U.S....well it turns out that was just another fabrication...exaggeration...a lie...Hmmm....seems that all these prevarications must be true when it is officially denied on network TV...sponsored by Viagra-Social-Anxiety Disorder and ExLax.
Speaking of health care or the lack thereof...a federal judge in Virginia, Judge Henry E.Hudson, says that it is unconstitutional that all Americans be forced to buy insurance..."it's about an individual's right to's about the U.S. Congress having the authority to compel us to buy anything"...ya' think??? It just goes to show you my view - "That health care in this country is more political than politics"...stay tuned to see how this mess plays out...
Of course Billy Boy Clinton's little podium speech for Obama last week had positive results...Obama couldn't face the nation...he had to run off to a Christmas know the plea to extend the Bush Era tax cuts...Billy Boy's charm worked like magic...another photo-op...another extension...which gets me to my definition of politicks - "Keep the rich-rich; the poor-poor; and justify to everyone in the middle why they have to pay for it."
The year is closing...another ending...a new cast is being lined up for next year's show...Politicks As Usual. Cute stars this past year include - John Boehner (R) and his spontaneous crying attacks; Christine O'Donnell (R) and her "I am not a witch" campaign; Michael Steele (R) who still wants to head the RNC; Sarah Palin (R) and all of her refudiations...and Time's Person of the Year goes to Mark Zuckerberg who according to the movie - The Social Network is the alleged Facebook Founder...but what is really-really-really the 13.4 Trillion Dollar Question is - Who? Who? But Who can beat the current Big-Spender-In-Chief in 2012? You know...President Dude?
It's all Sex-Lies-Taxes & Prostitutes...Brought to you by Viagra, Medicare, Depends, Pepto-Bismol, Wiki-Leaks...misinformation...same-o; know Politicks As Usual...
Merry Christmas to all. May all who read this have their deepest heartfelt desires manifest during the holiday season and throughout 2011.
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