Political Cyborgs & Aliens...Still No Sex Scandal - Yet


Micheline Birger

I don't know how everyone else feels but this past week was a political Twilight Zone. Rather than utilizing the saddened energy to unite folks...the media and politicians used it as an opportunity to further incite people. I am glad I do not vote...I wouldn't vote for any of them. When all is said and done - they must go to bed at night feeling mighty proud of themselves for rubbing salt in wounds...Peace & Grief...is an alien concept for them to grasp. What happened to the milk of human kindness for All the afflicted in the Jan. 8th. massacre???

How the media connected the dots to accuse Sarah Palin is a mystery to most??? What the #@*k??? She wasn't even there. She was probably up in Alaska spearing salmon for dinner or building an igloo. Maybe she was playing with Momma Grizzles, who knows...but she wasn't there. Such finger pointing and cheap shots at individuals is childish and foolish. But that is the sad part of the media and politics...they want to stay in business. As George Bush once quipped - "Turn the on button off." I start my day off with G-O-D not CNN; ABC; NBC; CBS; FOX NEWS or any other of them.

It seems that 2 days after the shooting folks were out there scooping up all the GLOCK 19's that they could muster up before there is a new emergency law saying saying that's it's illegal for private citizens to buy them. I certainly hope these folks did their background checks on all who did buy the guns...but quite frankly, that's just a delusional smoke 'n' mirrors trick...yes it does weed out some but not all potential offenders. Believe me, if someone is hell bent on getting a gun, they will get a gun. No excuses. The poor troubled shooter was smart enough not to have a psychiatric history that didn't come up on the radar...the media think tank coupled with the politicians were having a heyday on playing the Blame Game.

Jon Stewart thought that The-Big-Mourner-In-Chief's approach to consolation was more of a pep-rally as opposed to genuine grief. As ex-staffer Rahm Emmaunuel stated - "Never let a crisis go to waste." Unless it happens to you. That is actually when you may feel something. The whole speech - as I observed was Cookie-Cutter-Grief with a dash of Artificial-Mourning. Grief & Mourning For Sale.

Perhaps the Political Cyborgs (part-human; part-robotic) and Aliens may want to tone down their Think Tank with all of their inflammatory talk...but that's just not going to happen. I heard one Talking Head say on one of those Talking Head Shows..."Nobody would watch and we wouldn't have a job." And I counter with..."What planet did you say you were from...Cyborg? Or are you an Alien?"

Anyway, on another Talking Head Show, they were talking with some Congress people who actually knew something about mental health. I couldn't get past the fact that the standing excuse is/was - "That's there's no more $$$ in the kitty to increase services." Exxxxcuuuuseeee Me! How much of a wake-up call does Washington D.C. need? The shooter is just as much as a victim as the victims in his spree. He is/was a loose cannon...a by-product of this insidiously insane society...Houston, we have a problem. CaChing $$$. I just heard a cash register go off...there she blows...another couple of billion to all of those aggravating little wars in the Middle East...hey folks here in the U.S. ... you're on your own. We need Homeland Security in the Homeland too.

Anyway, according to a Quinnipiac Poll, taken between 1/4-1/11 2011...it said...that Prez Dude's approval rating is on the rise. Margin of error..2.4 + or -. It was with a sampling of 1647 voters...by phone. I ask...who are these voters? What is their party affiliation? According to the last Census in 2010 there is over 308 million folks in the U.S. Is that really a fair sampling? As Benjamin Disraeli once said - "There are three kinds of lies; lies, damned lies & statistics." Or "figures lie...but liars figure." (Charles Grosvenor)

Others highlights and hoopla of the past week is that Reagan's son said that his Dad was showing signs of Alzheimer's whilst in White House...we all knew that...that was hot press for awhile a while back...he's going on a book tour now with his story. Michael Steele was ousted as GOP Chairman...Bye Michael...replaced by Wisconsin's Reince Priebus...another lawyer...zzzzz. A Yale law professor put out a book about how Chinese mothers are superior - Mother-Superior-Dragon-Breathe-Tiger-Mom. She's already getting a lot of flack...

And there is a new Miss America...from Nebraska - The Cornhusker State...I didn't even know that they still had those silly-plastic-contest-ceremonies...anyway she is a 17 year old drop-dead gorgeous gal who apparently had all the right answers for America according to the judges..that is. She says - "I want to make sure I stand for what is right...stand up for integrity and honesty." She wants to go to law school and then go into politicks. Her name is Teresa Scanlan. I say find another profession Teresa. Find another profession that is worthwhile where you will be loved...like Mother Teresa...there are so many ways to make a difference. Don't be just another Political Cyborg.

Well the usual backbiting continues in the Political Cyborg & Alien capital of the universe...Washington D.C. this week...you know...back to the familiar...politicks as usual. The Aliens and Cyborgs will insist on pushing their agendas through...the dogs bark and the caravan moves on...and still no sex scandal...yet. Bill, we miss you...when are you coming back?

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