Dancing to a New Political Strategerie...And My Deepest Condolences
Micheline Birger
I watched the ceremonial swearing in process this past Wednesday of the New Senate & Congress...I swear I was transported into a dimension of "Godliness"...the inter/intra/non-denominational service felt like a High-Magic-Mass of the highest ideals and perfections of humankind...the light blue and bright red ties all glistened like jewels to the camera...with a hint of one shiny green tie...all participants dressed in their Sunday best courting their best manners...it felt all so surreal...indeed this was a Holy Order of sorts... A Holy Order in the High Courts of this Fair Land...
Harry Reid (D) Nevada is Senate Majority Leader. The Nancy - Nancy Pelosi (D) former Speaker of the House...gave a long-winded oration of all the accomplishments of the Democratic House before she handed John Boehner (R) the new Speaker of the House, The Gavel...actually it reminded me of a Sludgehammer...it was so big. I kept on saying to the TV..."Nancy, it's over. Give it up! Hand it over! It's done! Fini! Hand over the gavel for goodness sake"...it kind of reminded me of a kid who was willing or not willing to share their taffy...a comical spoof...but finally...she did give it up.
So now John is in and Nancy is out. I think that John did very well in holding back his tears of joy of his emotional heart...he is truly a son of what this country was and is built on...backbone-grit-will & determination...a working class hero who climbed to the top of his ladder...for now...had a series of odd jobs...bartending...waiting tables...construction...night school. He had a vision...and the courage to go forward for that ideal in his mind's eye...it is truly touching...moving...it stands for everything that is right about this country. When John said; "I do," when being sworn in, I felt like he just got married to his commitment of listening to the folks of the U.S. of A....we shall see...time will tell.
Notable quips heard on the air and in the air this week - Harry Reid (D) Senate Majority Leader..."The Tea Party will disappear as soon as the economy gets better and the economy is getting better all the time." A Woman Caller on one of the conservative talk shows called in and said..."It's easy to be liberal - you don't have to know anything." Regina Benjamin - Surgeon General talked about Disco Dancing -"That exercise is medicine...it's better than most pills."
Donald Trump...AKA "The Donald" who apparently is leaning Republican or is Republican said in an interview on John King USA (CNN) - according to the political rumour board he is "seriously considering the possibility of running for Prez...that he is seriously concerned that other countries are taking advantage of the U.S. of A. ...particularly S. Korea, China and OPEC." All I know if "The Donald" does make a decision on whether or not to run, he is definitely in it to win it.
Tim Pawlenty (R), the former ex-gov of Minnesota, is still undecided about whether to throw his hat in the Prez ring for 2012. He's the guy who wanted to open the Kenny Chesney MargaritaVille Bar in Florida...anyway...he says -"Well, it's a free country...anyone can run for President that's over the age of 35." It's all so political, isn't it Tim? It's all about approval ratings...
Speaking about approval/disapproval ratings...it seems that Big Apple Mayor, Mike Bloomberg (I) had only a 37% approval rating after New York's last snow storm...I guess that indicates that he is not shovel ready for handling blizzards...well, let's see if and how he can dig himself out of that one...the public has a short attention span and is always so forgiving...
Navy Captain Owens of the U.S.S. Enterprise didn't get too many laughs from his superiors from his comedy videos packed with four letter words and gay slurs...and apparently it is somewhat vague about whether Sarah Palin and her Twittering whether or not she is pro-gay or not...so what? What does it really matter anyway? We are still all members of one race...the human race...so what is the Big Deal in the grand scheme of things???
Speaking of Twittering...apparently the U.S. is now subpoenaing Twitter account info from WikiLeaks founder - Julian Assange and supporters of his group. PFC Bradley Manning - U.S. Intelligence Analyst; Birgitta Jonsdittir - member of Icelandic Parliament; Rop Gonggrijp - a known Dutch computer hacker and Jacob Appelbaum - a U.S. programmer. It is still somewhat unclear whether all are related in some way, shape or form and/or whether subpoenas were also issued to Facebook and Google...stay tuned.
This coming Wednesday is the big hoedown-showdown with the repeal of ObamaCare...back to politicks as usual...a lot has happened the very first business/political week of January 2011...and my deeply heartfelt condolences to Gabrielle Giffords (D), and all of the victims of the January 8th massacre in Tucson, Arizona...my prayers to all...unfortunately a sad reflection of the deep healing that is needed to occur in our fragmented society...a moment of silence to all...tolerance is needed and must be heeded.
So we shall see what unwinds as the second week of the New Year begins...the dogs bark and the caravan moves on...we are Dancing to a New Political Strategerie and My Deepest Heartfelt Condolences...
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Labels: Donald Trump, Health Care Reform; Presidential Elections 2012, John Boehner; Tucson, Nancy Pelosi