Love Month - Political Chick Fights & Ruby Ruby Won't You Be Mine?
Micheline Birger
Love Month - Heart Month feels more like the infamous Valentine's Day Massacre - thus far -around the globe. Bullets Over Libya...Uproars in Bahrain...Anti-government demonstrations in Yemen...the world is inundated and saturated with Arab protests...and it's only February of a brand new year. Americans are hijacked off the coast of Somalia...and that is not to exclude Wisconsin workers protesting feverishly tooth and nail against state budget's so bad there that the Democratic officials won't even go to their office. Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin (R) is doing what he said he would...balance the budget...Wow! Maybe everyone ought to take up a new hobby like learning to do the Frog know, take a breather.
Meanwhile, back at the farm, it's Michelle Bachmann (R) vs. Michelle Obama (D) over breastfeeding...of all things. Michelle O. says it helps curb childhood obesity...studies have proven that...but Michelle so does going out and playing instead of sitting in front of a computer or TV...and Michelle B. says that it is promoting a Nanny deductions and all...what's interesting about this is Michelle B. claims she breastfed all 5 of her offspring...not certain if Michelle O.did or did not...they're too old now anyway...her kids that is...and The Sarah thinks that the government shouldn't tell parents what to feed their kids. "That the First Lady cannot trust parents to make decisions for their own children, for their own families on what we should eat." Another example that this delusional regime thinks that the government is the answer to all of their problems. It's all a chick thing ya' know. (
Speaking of The Sarah...apparently political conservative columnist, Ann Coulter is insanely jealous of her...she is jealous of Sarah's agitation ability to ignite the Left. "I especially love her for her enemies, I am insanely jealous of that...I love her for how she makes liberal heads explode...I think it would be a step down for her to run for Prez...she's huge...she has enormous power...she sends out a Twitter on death panels...and everyone is talking about it...I think it would be crazy for her for run for President." (
The Sarah and Michelle B. are still chewing their cud about running for Madame Prez or incentives and breastfeeding aside...pooooleeezzze...this show doesn't get any better than this...these political gals are far more intriguing and enlightening that any of their male counterparts...three cheers for all of these Chick makes for superior political entertainment. I would love to see them in Nordstrom's having an old-fashioned girl fight in the lingerie department with some of their opponents. Nordstrom's would make a fortune selling tickets that day...
Now back to the boring men in politics...I cannot exclude an Italian sex scandal of deniable sorts...Ruby Ruby Won't You Be Mine? Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is accused of having sex with an underage prostitute...Ruby...from Morocco...she had no overage teenage vixen...('s going to be tried on April 6th for abuse of power; having sex with an underage prostitute; sex orgies...and whatever else they can muster up...he's just a man for goodness sake with lots of power and a wonderful villa who likes to throw lavish parties and entertain his constituents properly...can't a Prime Minister have a little boogie time? Ruby RubyWon't You Be Mine?Of course he totally denies any wrongdoing...
Moving right along to our super-dysfunctional health care system...what does Miami, LA, Dallas, Houston, Detroit, Chicago, Brooklyn, Tampa and Baton Rouge all have in common? Medicare fraud. Apparently in a sting operation 111 are charged in a $225 million dollar scam. ( if this wasn't enough, even more possible fraud was unveiled in California when a hospital chain was seeing an unusually high number of malnutrition cases for those on Medicare...( I guess they're having their own unique version of overhauling the system. I know that things aren't too rosy, but is it really that bad out there in California? Malnutrition...that's pretty morose.
And so the Love-Fest continues in the short month of February...nationally and internationally...can't you feel the love? It's interesting that no matter which way you cut/dice/splice/sliver/chop the facts...Heart Disease is still the Number 1 killer in the U.S. ( Personally, I love what Louise Hay says in her famous book - You Can Heal Your Life - about anything to do with heart's lack of joy. It seems that if we could find more joy in our hearts...true joy that is...not materialistic or power-driven joy...perhaps we could home home to our senses...
In the meantime...the 24/7 World...Churns-Turns-Burns...American Political Chicks fight over breastfeeding ideology and tax deductions; another power-driven political guydenies any wrongdoing in sex scandals a la Italiano; the U.S. is bilked out of Lord knows how much in Medicare fraud; the Arab world continues to unravel...can't you feel the love? Meanwhile the dogs bark and the caravan moves who? Who? Who? Who? Let the dogsout? Stay tuned to this commercial free program...who knows what the next second may bring...don't hold your breath...