Egyptian Melodrama & D.C. Congressman Caught with Shirt Off
Micheline Birger
The Egyptian Military is now in charge of Egypt - for the moment. They have fired the parliament. As an armchair observer, the only thing I can say is - "U.S. - Start collecting your money. Who knows what will transgress with all of this leaderless leadership." Sounds pretty flaky to me. But enough about Egypt...we need to focus on the U.S. of A. Publicizing all of this change in another part of the world is the perfect spin for not addressing our own issues. Once again, I say, U.S. - Heal Thyself. Put your oxygen mask on first and foremost.
But how can you blame Les Miserables a la Washington D.C.? According to a Forbes article, Washington D.C. is the 16th most miserable city in the U.S. ( That does not surprise me one iota. All of that phony grandeur and constant gravity...all those folks trying desperately to control...control...control....yet they can't even control unemployment; foreclosures; public corruption...violent crime...etc - in their own backyard.
And to top that off, a Republican Congressman, Chris Lee, got caught with his shirt off...pandering his biceps on Craigslist...(!5756377/craigslist-congressman-resigns)...John Boehner, the Speaker of the House wasn't too thrilled...the Congressman has since resigned abruptly...Bye! Bye! Mr. American Pie...for his public indiscretion...and all he wanted was a sliver of Me Time in the Les Miserables City - Capital of the Universe.
Speaking of Republicans...they had their little powwow...meeting...comedy showcase this past week in Les Miserables City...Conservative Political Action Congress or CPAC...the politicians and attendees were playing standup...taking potshots at the current Commander-In-Defeat...Prez Dude...a wonderful free-for-all...starring Donald Trump; Tim Pawlenty; Ann Coulter; Mitt Romney; Newt Gingrich (
There was even a faux Sarah Palin mirage...( Lyons considers herself - "The world's premier Sarah Palin impressionist." And her presence worked...she knows how to work a room...she was stalked by reporters; TV cameras; and some attendees who thought that she was the genuine-one-and-only-non-trademarked-Sarah.
Speaking of The Sarah, the real-deal one that is...well she turned 47 on February 11. Happy Birthday Sarah - Aquarius Lady...Queen of her own universe.
Moving right along...a lot of folks aren't too pleased about how the current Big-Spender-In-Chief has been mishandling the little Egyptian Crisis...why I heard loud whispers echoed throughout the land like...amateurish...incoherent...even Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) ripped the regime and spoke about an Islamic Takeover...
But --- No matter which way you cut-dice-splice any of this political brouhaha and rhetoric... this ongoing never-ending story of injustices...the greatest live melodrama on the planet...the bottom line question remains - Who can beat the current Commander-In-Chief? At the CPAC meeting this past week, they conducted an unofficial/official Straw Poll. It's their version of a political Chorus Line cattle call for potential presidential contenders. And the winner is - Ron Paul; followed by Mitt Romney; and then Gary Johnson and Chris Christie...and so on down the line. That's it folks...the top four maybes. You say what???
Personally I like what my friend Frankie's analogy is...a retired military officer..."Even if they put a monkey up there they would probably do better than either political party - Republican or Democrat"...and so the dogs bark and the caravan moves on...the Egyptian Melodrama is settled...for but a fleeting moment in time...and the shirtless Les Miserables Washington D.C. Craigslist Hot-Shot Congressman resigns for an almost sex scandal...he was married by the way.
And I say, but seriously this not the best unscripted reality show on the planet? Politicks that is...and we are not even talking about those folks in an Iowa focus group who agree that our current Commander-In-Chief is a Muslim ( Hmmph! Interesting observation. I say what Bobby Ferrin sang...Don't Worry Be Happy. Have fun kids. Read Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. And three cheers to Lady GaGa who arrived at the Grammy's in a giant about a dog and pony show...Happy Valentine's Day...can't you feel the worldwide love?
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Labels: Egypt Revolution, political satire blog, Presidential Elections 2012