Political Sheen-Madness...Who Needs A Sex Scandal?

Micheline Birger

What an incredible society we have! All of this toxic-spillage allowed on the airwaves 24/7 by the media-o-cracy...and we wonder why we have sporadic shooting rampages??? Seems like the U.S. is backbiting and slinging mud like it is the number one sport...whether it be organized labor; Hollywood; politicks...everybody and their mother knows how to run the country and shoot from the lip.

Gadhafi keeps marching and killing...right and left (http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/africa/03/06/libya.conflict/index.html?hpt=T1) - Wisconsin union members aren't happy campers (http://www.cnn.com/2011/POLITICS/03/04/wisconsin.budget/index.html?iref=allsearch) - Nurses in Washington D.C. staged a mini-strike walk-out on Friday March 4th...they'll be knuckle rapped by the administration who says that they can't come back until I believe Wednesday this week (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/03/05/AR2011030500063.html)

Meanwhile, back at the farm, and I ask once again - why oh why does all of this turmoil abroad keep costing me at the pump? $$$CaChing$$$ At the grocery store? $$$CaChing$$$. Hey, it's the wild, wild west of gouging 'em while ye can...take advantage of the opportunity to get more out of the masses...them a__es....hey, it's a free-for-all...I might as well get my two cents in...but seriously folks...what is happening?

Take a moment and breathe...get calm and centered...is not politicks the best, I mean best reality show on the planet??? They always have some kind of cockamamie, convoluted game plan going on...they want to see if us - we morons can figure them out...and if you can figure it out...then trust me...they will change it...again.

Rush Limbaugh says that the Democratic Party Operatives are out with their camera phones trying to catch Republicans in any wrongdoing...Hilary Clinton wants U. S. cable companies to pick up Al Jazeera, the Arab news network...according to Hilary, the World at Large thinks that the U.S. of A. is nothing but "bikini-clad women and pro wrestling"..."we are in an information war and we are losing that war"...apparently the State Department is busy Twittering away (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/03/02/AR2011030205975.html). Rebels in Libya are calling for Bush Prez Number I...does the world see us as a joke? Ya' think?

So it is a battle of the air wave Stars...who has the most Twitter hits??? Who is the U.S.'s best bad boy? Everyone knows that it's Charlie Sheen of course...he is now a verb...sheened and sheening connote partying, questionable decision-making and public humiliation. (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/06/fashion/06NOTICED.html) ...Gosh Charlie, what a legacy! I do believe that you are a by-product of our star-struck society. You are simply acting-out all of our current angst...hey Charlie - have fun...are you really over the edge or are you just acting as if you are over the edge???

Anyway, it's back to the same politicks as usual brouhaha - song and dance...it just rumbles on like an upset stomach...zzzzzzzzzzz...bottom-line still remains...who in the Republican Party is going to throw their hat in the ring for Prez in 2012? The Republican Chorus Line auditions are still singing and dancing...everyone looking at their scorecards...who is the viable alternative to the Current Big-Spender-In-Chief-Barack?

Hollywood - Politicks - it's all one and the insane...and The Donald (R) shaves his hair off for a Comedy Central roast...well at least they can't make fun of his hair style...or lack thereof.(http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/showbiz/2011/03/04/sbt.trump.shaves.head.hln?hpt=C2)

Trust me, this is as good as it gets...John Lennon was right..."It's all Show Biz." No wonder my book on Kindle - "My Sister Murdered My Parakeet" sold copies on Valentine's Day 2011.



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