Every Four Years...LOL with Political Malfunctions...


Micheline Birger

America, once the land of the home of the brave and land of the free - now it's the home of erectile dysfunction and land of the depressed sponsored by Viagra and Cymbalta...oh and I forgot - don't forget social anxiety disorder - what a bunch of sick cookies we are. Yep, the media-o-cracy is busy telling us what to think; how to feel; how to think and what is or is not politically correct or incorrect according to who or is it whom is running for office....and who is sponsoring their network. Yawn...

Hold it! Before I digress any further...time for our sponsor break - Does politicks in America increase your stress level so that your arteries get glutted with fat? Does this charade called freedom chip away at your dangling nerves? Well - Don't Worry --- Be Happy! Big Pharma has a pill for everything that ails you...it will knock you for a loop and guarantee you to feel nothing...zip...nada...zilch.

It's the numbing down of America so that we are all a bunch of Gumby's...yes...trust your government...Big Daddy Knows Best! They will tell you what to pack in your children's lunches and/or send the Food Police to your nearest kindergarten. If that doesn't scare the you know what out of you or your young one, then they will follow up with telling the church...whatever church that you belong to - to dispense contraception or I'll huff and I'll puff and blow your house down...

And don't forget that gays can't legally marry because they work and pay taxes - isn't that a violation of one's civil rights? Isn't everyone created equal is the U.S.??? I'd rather have a happy gay married couple as my neighbor than a disgruntled heterosexual couple who stay married and miserable just to keep up a front. Just think of all the great parties I would be invited to with a happy gay couple next door...

What it all boils down to and believe me...I don't give a hoot whether gays can marry or not - is that the government wants to scare children with the Food Police; they want the churches to fund contraceptions or tell adults who they can or cannot marry - but -I lied...I do care. I just want to know why the government wants to be in everyone's bedroom and body? Isn't there anything sacred? Don't they have better things to do? Like Twitter & Tweet their privates all over the Internet?

If I am an obese diabetic with heart disease and happy...don't I have the right to eat whatever I want? Enjoy it right down to the last morsel? Isn't it my body? My life? Hmmm! Maybe I am too philosophical...

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the Republican Chorus Line is still auditioning...and the winner is??? Who can beat the guy in the White House? And that my friends is the bottomline...who can beat the current Big-Spender-In-Chief? How long is this smoke'n'mirrors going to continue in the U.S. with all of our economic woes? Or are we - us common folks waking up and smelling the pungent odor out of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave?

Does the American vote stand for anything anymore? Or is it just more lip-service and B.S.? If you are bored and want to see the convoluted electoral process in the U.S. - then I invite you to check out this documentary on HULU called Hacking Democracy for free. http://www.hulu.com/watch/192687/hacking-democracy

I pray that this upcoming election will be more tightly monitored...yes...they can send a man to the moon yet they can't find a fair and unbiased electoral process...change...we got a slap in the face and beat to a pulp with all of this current change...let's have less government interference in our personal lives...let's have leaders who know how to balance a checkbook...let's have America's heart, soul and spirit restored...and please do not send me any more penile male enhancers in my spam box - why can't the government do something about that daily annoyance rather than harassing five year olds by rifling through their lunches or trying to exert control over churches on who is going to pay for birth control...find out who is the culprit sending me all of these manly enhancers of which I have absolutely no use for...

No wonder I write books called My Sister Murdered My Parakeet...LOL Political Malfunctions...now that's what I'm talking about...read my books...support your local satire writer...

