Political Mass Media-itis Non-Partisan Solution to National Debt...Maybe - Maybe Not? The Slime Report Guerrilla Politicks


Micheline Birger

I don't know about you but I am suffering from an acute case of Political Mass Media-itis! (in medicine anything with "itis" means inflammation of) I'm saturated with the warring factions lying and deceiving us. Us - We the people who pay their heinous salaries to screw up this country even more than it already is! The Republican Chorus Line is like a bunch of sophomoric frat boys holding a Skull & Bones hazing contest. The Democratic Party is getting more and more sickly as the clock ticks.

The Chosen One's administration has more holes in it than a moth-eaten-sweater. More leaks than the Titanic. We - Us common folks are constantly being bombarded with how bad it is out there. But don't dismay, it's going to get better or so they say.

Meanwhile gas prices continue to skyrocket to the stars - out of control - by an out of control bureaucracy that just let's it. Meanwhile, they want to push solar and windmill power. Excuzzzeeee me current administration - I would love to see you jet all around the world on solar energy and wind power. Just what happens on the daze when the sun don't shine and the wind don't blow??? Can you Fuel Air Force One on gray days and hot air? I think not.

I laugh hysterically at all of this money that is being poured into these half-baked campaigns. Millions and billions of megabucks...where does it come from? What a circus! Everyone is like a bunch of dogs chasing their tails or is it tales...with no end in sight. At least the dog is smart - it stops eventually. It realizes that it is not getting anywhere or really accomplishing anything. It realizes it is a futile endeavor...but the dog really does it to amuse itself.

Most Americans that I talk to think that ObamaCare is a joke. More like ObamaScare. Why on earth is our tax dollars being wasted towards this mandate that is being challenged in the Supreme Court as unconstitutional? How can the government force people to buy something and then fine them if they don't opt in? Isn't that just a tad over the top - to manipulate folks to purchase something against their will? Unconstitutional...isn't it? Total insanity...it's total insanity.

We are a society, a government that is out of control. Out of control spending. Out of control propaganda. Smoke 'n' Mirrors. Hype. Brouhaha. Soundbytes vs. sound solutions. Catch phrases. We are ending a legacy of "Yes We Can" to "What the ___???" What is happening in this country? God only knows. And don't complain because then you are labeled as politically incorrect...what a bunch of bull.

I prefer being poetically correct and feeling exactly what I feel. I am afraid that I don't quite understand all the backbiting and name-calling. Isn't that childish? Wouldn't you reprimand your child for that? Face it, the U.S. doesn't need to go to foreign soil to "fight for our freedom." It seems that the media-o-cracy is doing a stellar job of that. They are extremely busy slugging everyone on either side below the belt with their knee-slapping-laughter-inducing accusations that they hail at one other. Such a primal vibration.

I am curing myself of Political Mass Media-itis. I am defecting. I am not reading the papers or listening to broadcasts or buying into all of this fear mongering. I am sure I will have a spontaneous healing...oh my God...now what will I write about??? And now a word from our sponsor...



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Well the national debt continues to skyrocket out of control. The U.S. dollar keeps shrinking. Warren Buffet has come up with a plan. I received this email as the pass it around to 20 people who care about the hole this nation is in. So I thought I would share it this week as my blog. Mind you I haven't fact-checked any of this stuff but at least it sounds good. Sounds better than all the other bull we are handed.

Warren Buffett, in a recent interview with CNBC, offers one of the best quotes about the debt ceiling:

"I could end the deficit in 5 minutes," he told CNBC. "You just pass a law
that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP, all
sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election. The 26th
amendment (granting the right to vote for 18 year-olds) took only 3 months
& 8 days to be ratified! Why? Simple! The people demanded it. That was in
1971...before computers, e-mail, cell phones, etc.. Of the 27 amendments to
the Constitution, seven (7) took 1 year or less to become the law of the
land...all because of public pressure."
Here it is:

*Congressional Reform Act of 2012*

1. No Tenure / No Pension. A Congressman collects a salary while in office
and receives no pay when they are out of office.

2. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security. All
funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security
system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system,
and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for
any other purpose.

3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans

4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay
will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the
same health care system as the American people.

6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American

7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen are void.
American people did not make this contract with Congressmen. Congressmen
made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor,
not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours
should serve their term(s), then go home and back to work.

By the way, No one has been able to explain to me why young men and women who serve in
the U.S. Military for 20 years, risking their lives protecting freedom,
only get 50% of their pay for retirement, while Politicians hold their
political positions in the safe confines of the capital, protected by
these same men and women, and receive full pay retirement after serving
one term. It just does not make any sense.

Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution:
"Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the
Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply
equally to the citizens of the United States ."

If you resonate with the solution then pass it on to your associates. Desperate times resorts to desperate measures. And the race to the White House continues...

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It's not enough that the "shovel ready jobs" have gone to the Food Police who snatch turkey- cheese sandwiches from 5 year old's in North Carolina. What's more incredulous is that seven million pounds of "pink slime" is going to school lunch programs masquerading as ground beef. I guess the motto of the U.S.D.A. for American children is "Let Them Eat Slime."

I think I'm going to think real hard about having my next sumptuous juicy burger - anywhere. I'll buy it from the local Italian Deli that sells ground sirloin. It looks like; tastes like; and smells like real beef. I will cook it myself. But - slime for school lunches? Give me a break!

Beef scraps; cow connective tissues peppered with possible cow intestines doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy feeling. And that's not including "other beef trimmings" a la marinade that is definitely guaranteed to whet my appetite. Hey, if it's good enough for dog food and cooking oil then it's good enough for school menus. To add to this spectacle, saute it with some ammonia gas to kill off the E. Coli and Salmonella. Voila - cost effective eating...lunch is served. Excuse me while I get nauseous. Did they run this little seven million dollar nuance by our First Lady of the White House who insists on healthy school lunches! I wonder...

The "Pink Slime" AKA "lean finely textured beef" has been pulled from Burger King; Taco Bell and McDonald's. Sounds like a run on any of these establishments during lunch would fare better on ground beef day. Take-outs anyone? It appears to me that the Food Police in schools have their work cut out for them for a very long stretch...even children's lunches are political...imagine that!

Now, back to the Republican Race. Mitt, Rick, Newt & Ron. And the winner is...maestro, you do the honors. It's a showdown between Mitt and Rick...they're going to the wire...balancing their high trapeze act...

My last week's beef (no pun intended) was Rush Limbaugh and his Freudian Slip name-calling to Sandra Fluke - AKA - The Birth Control Queen - ah Rush was just being Rush engaged in a little playful name-calling. The airwaves are dominated by an adolescent War of the Titans...pundits...and yakety-yak talking heads.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch 46-47% of Americans are on some type of public assistance...people need jobs and the baby needs new shoes. Car 54, where are you? Beam me up Scotty! Stop the world, I want to get off! Problem is that I don't know where to get off from this total insanity. 10 - 4...over and out.

That's it for this week's beef...the great mystery of the mystery meat has been solved! Ha! Ha! The Slime Report. Heaven help us please! We need a good sex-scandal again to break up all of this monotony. Bill? Where are you when we need you most?

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Micheline Birger

Well, the Spin-O-Cracy Moguls have spent a lot of daze and nights scheming up their next political ploy...who did what to whom and who put there big foot in their small mouth this past week.

I guess the grand prize goes to Rush Limbaugh because he called a Georgetown Law Student - Sandra Fluke - "a slut." Said in a Congressional Hearing that she was glad that the Almighty Godly Obama Administration, Inc., wants to pay for her contraception. She claimed that she had sex about 3000 times a year which when divided by 366 daze a year, comes to about 8.19 times a day. http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2012/03/03/limbaugh-apologizes-for-slut-comment/

When does this gal study, eat, or sleep? She is or someone is paying for her Georgetown Law School tuition which I am sure is not bargain basement rates. The irony is that she can't afford the $5-$10 a month for birth control pills yet she can afford Georgetown? A gal has a right to go to school and pay exorbitant tuition so maybe she is the Poster Gal of the average poor woman in America who needs to work her way through school...too bad she didn't think her way through...

I am in no way saying that this gal is a slut, whore, prostitute or whatever, but I as a female want to know - What is her motivation for going public with that type of disclosure? Who's her Daddy? I can't think of a single reason other than someone is paying her. Who put her up to that task? "Oh, by the way, I publicly tell the world my little sex secrets...I don't lie about my sex life." She got a huge apology from the Prez himself via telephone in between his campaign financing gigs. Sounds like this is no fluke for Fluke...but the whole thing sounds like she's a flake to me.

It's like all of these women who came out of the woodwork echoing in unison that they got "groped by Herman Cain." This shenanigans sounds like another garden variety insane what-the..where-did-that-one-come-from??? Let's put a spin on this so the people don't ask about the economy or gas prices...or jobs...you know, the real issues. Divisive - yes. Are Americans that gullible that they don't see what is really happening? I don't know. We'll see come Erection Day 2012...

Another note-worthy event this week is the overwhelming unpopularity that the Current-Big-Spender-In-Chief has in his hometown of Washington D.C. An advertisement in the D.C. Metro blatantly and unabashedly tells him to Go To Hell. Doesn't that give you a warm and fuzzy feeling about how everybody just loves, loves, loves - Barack??? http://news.yahoo.com/hell-barack-row-over-washington-metro-ad-051919392.html

Anyway, the Republican Gong Show continues neck in neck - Mitt, Rick, Newt & Ron...everyone is salivating for Super-Duper-Tuesday - this Tuesday. Yawn! We shall see. I do believe that politicks in America is the greatest He Haw Show on the planet. And the winner is...Guerrilla Politicks sponsored by Oral Contraception and D.C. Metro Advertising...can't you feel the love?

And we're not even going to the epic dramedy of the Prez's birth certificate on whether it is authentic or not? http://news.yahoo.com/obama-birth-certificate-maybe-forged-sheriff-joe-arpaio-160607568--abc-news.html I think we need to find out the truth and nothing but the truth so help me...you finish the sentence...and if it is not the truth...what do we do with this guy in office? There are still a lot doubts about his illegitimacy...isn't there?

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