Pot-Shot Politicks Bling! Bling! Politicks... And This Is Hot News Because???

Micheline Birger

Well folks, just another pathological week in review for Erection Politicks 2012. The Rumor Control is out of control par usual. If anything, does the LameStream Public really but really care about all of the He Said - She Said bunk? Apparently they think folks are interested otherwise they wouldn't be doing whatever they are doing. I don't know. No matter what Mediatopia says, I personally don't believe a word that they say. They are entertaining at the very least.

It's amazing to me that some guy with less than stellar creditability - according to some people - gets a memoir published that Barack and Michelle talked divorce in 2000. And this is current news because??? You fill in the blanks. It's incredulous that everyone has such a heyday making character assassinations with each other. You call this leadership? Who cares about their past? The past is the past. Let bygones be bygones.

What is more important is The Present. That is why they call it - The Present. Does it really matter what the current and future presidents did in their salad daze? When everyone was expected to go and sow their wild oats? What is more important is what their accomplishments as grown adults in their chosen vocation. What were the challenges that they overcame to become the people they are today?

For instance, look at John Edwards. A self-made millionaire. Another politician who got caught with his zipper down. Poor - poor John is being tried for funding his mistress's champagne taste with donor contributions in his Presidential Run in 2008. He doesn't have the best image, especially when he was cheating on his  now deceased wife who had cancer at the time. Yeah, it sounds sleazy because it is sleazy but the bottom line is he is not running for any office now...so why give it the air time? He's lucky that he's still out of jail...but it's just another cheap deflection of what the real issues are.

Then Mediatopia picks on Hilary Clinton because she got caught with her glasses on and no make-up...and that is newsworthy because??? Hilary doesn't care. I do believe that the American people see beyond the superficiality of the LameStream Media to quote Sarah Palin.

What is important is the current track record - report card of the current Big-Spender-In-Chief and all of his meaningless hyperbole about why the economy is not on track...forever blaming it on someone else. He did promise Change...and that is exactly what he has delivered - Change. Change for the not better and how it is everyone else's fault. So he didn't lie. Change - does anyone have any spare change? Empty promises...empty results.

More rumor stuff is this constant question about Obama's birth status. The way it is still not resolved to every one's satisfaction makes me think that they are right. There has to be something to it. You be the judge. One undeniable fact is that he was definitely born. But where oh where??? And he does speak good English...and his true religion is??? You surmise...speculate on that one. Everything about this man is one big question mark...that along with his choice of divisive pastors...

And then there is Mitt...deep in his Mormon faith...and the problem with that is??? I don't have a problem with that but the news media seems to. Mitt and Anne...Barbie and Ken...a power super couple. No hint of hanky-panky in their relationship.

I don't know about you but I want a leader up there who is for the people. A person who knows how to tackle a problem head-on. What their past is or is not...their religion is so superfluous. I want a leader who genuinely loves the US of A and what it stands for. I want a leader who knows what they are doing. Not some guy who is bringing the U.S. down some spiral path with programs that just don't work and sticking the U.S. taxpayers with the bill. CaChing!

Anyway, that's my rant this week and I'm sticking to it. Will the real leader of the Free World be elected...legally???  Not a current federal government that is blocking voter ID in Texas as unconstitutional...what is the current regime hiding? What are they afraid to lose in the next election because they are so inept? Quit all of this adolescent cheap shots. How infantile...now that's what I'm talking about...even the President of Afghanistan thanks the American taxpayer for funding their country's demise. I do believe that sounds somewhat cynical...we are probably the laughingstock of the whole world...yeah, we probably are...well that's all for now on Pot-Shot Politicks...


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Micheline Birger

First off - Happy Mother's Day - to all of you Mom's out there is blogosphere land - the hardest job in the world - despite what some Democrats may say...

But, back to business - buzz words that abounded this past week in political mediatopia land : underwear bombers; Prankster Mitt; Newsweek's cover calling Obama - The First Gay President - oh please, give me a break! Maalox! Maalox!

First off - whether gays to marry or not really but really does not affect me one way or the other. My feeling is - Keep the government out of America's Boudoir. All the gays I know pay taxes and work their butts off...they also give great parties...and the problem with that is???

Other people of course. Other people who stick their noses in other people's private business. Mind your own beeswax - thank you very much. Sorry Mr. Prez, America is not buying yet another of your divisive public manipulations...you know...deflecting from what the real issues are???

Issues like the economy and ObamaScare...you know that mandate that is currently being challenged in the Supreme Court? As unconstitutional? You know, that huge chunk out of the economy issue? Yeah, that one. I certainly hope you didn't forget that...I know, the government thinks that American tax-paying citizens are one big ATM machine - CaChing! Another trillion dollars please...! CaChing! CaChing!

But - getting down to the nitty-gritty, I came across the ad in the Talent Gig section of the Baltimore Craigslist...I laughed myself silly...

Actress needed for Horror-themed Commercial (Eastern Shore)

Date: 2012-04-23, 12:04PM EDT

Need 30-50 yr old female actress for shooting this week. Race doesn't matter...ability to look scared as hell, run fast, and scream loudly. There will be lines.

Please reply with head and full body shots (clothed, obviously), and short video (less than a minute) so we can hear/see how you are in front of camera. No need for professional video; iphone video is fine.

This may be a recurring role. Pay will be discussed for qualified applicants but, yes, there will be pay :o) Also, transportation will be provided to/from shooting location.

Glenn Morton

P.S. If you go to our website, click on "commercials" link at the top of the page to see the first 2 videos, and the "in the news" link to see the press so far.
  • Location: Eastern Shore
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
  • Compensation: to be discussed in interview
PostingID: 2974402156

It seems to me Mr. Prez...that this is one of the real issues that needs to be addressed...not some more lame promises & mainstream media smoke 'n'mirrors contortions. You know, the ones that Viagra and Social Anxiety Disorder has as their Big Pharma sponsors...you know that ads that tell men how impotent they are and how everyone in Idiot TV Land is unfit to go out in public? How dehumanizing...what's even worse that people buy into this malarkey...

Joseph Marie de Maistre (1753 - 1821) once said - "Every nation has the government that it deserves." He was a diplomat; lawyer, philosopher and statesman. I believe in a government for the people and by the people but things have changed. Mediatopia sees to it that air ad space disempowers folks...does the U.S. really have the government it deserves?

I hope not. But we keep on putting these people up there who's one and only purpose is to get in your bedroom...and justify yet another way to take your money,,,CaChing! Another trillion dollars please...U.S. Politicks...It is Bling! Bling! Isn't it now? Bling! Bling!


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 So much buzz about the diary of Genevieve Cook who apparently got it on with the young stud Barack....ZzzzzzzzzZ........and this excerpt was quoted in the Christian Science Monitor..."I open the door, that Barack keeps closed, to his room, and enter into a warm, private space pervaded by a mixture of smells that so strongly speak of his presence, his liveliness, his habits - running sweat, Brut spray deodorant, smoking, eating raisins, sleeping, breathing."

Soooooooooo what??? Who cares? I certainly don't that's for sure. I really don't want to know any of it...I wonder, did she reveal whether he was a good lover or not? You know, the nitty-gritty...the juicy stuff? Perhaps this passage answers that obvious question...somewhat ambiguously...at the very least. "The sexual warmth is definitely there - but the rest of it has sharp edges and I am finding it all unsettling...I am finding myself wanting to withdraw from it all...I have to admit I am feeling anger at him, for some reason, multi-stranded reasons. His warmth can be deceptive. Though he speaks warm words and can be open and trusting, there is also that coolness - and I begin to get an inkling of some things about him that could get to me."

 Genevieve, we want to know the facts, just the facts Ma'am. I am already falling asleep as I inputted this segment in my computer. He sounds like all men as far as I am concerned...cool, distant, smelling of one thing or the other, deceptive...I ask why I would ever want to read this expose? And what exactly is or was her motivation to have this Arctic Freeze Peyton Place published after all these years??? Woman's revenge? Michelle is First Lady & she's not?  That is what I find intriguing...not some mushy characterization slop about just another man...why oh why did she choose to have it published on an Erection year? That's my question.

Anyway, whatever way the cookie crumbles I can guarantee you that I will not pre-order the book on Amazon or anywhere for that matter...and this is hot news because??? But back to the political races...neck in neck...this poll says this...that poll says that. Blah...Blah...Blah. Bottom line, come Erection day, someone is going to win and someone is going to lose. And exactly what has the current Big-Spender-In-Chief accomplished during his tenure in the White House? Besides one financial crisis after the other? Oh but of course, it is everybody else's fault...and writer to writer, I do wish Ms. Cook success with the release of her memoir...I bet Barack is Twittering and Tweeting her - "How could you?" And she is retorting "Did you Like me on my Facebook page?" And This Is Hot News Because???


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