Political Cabaret Sponsored by Viagra Who's Hot ? Who's Not? Republican Prez Chorus Line Auditions... Deadly Politics & Still No New Sex Scandal The Donald Show Starring The Donald & Still No Sex Scandal - Yet!
Micheline Birger
Whew! Finally a juicy sex scandal! It's not exactly brand new but hey, it's better than nothing...and it's The Arnold. Why would a muscle-bound gorgeous Mr. Universe - AKA- The Terminator -AKA - The former Guv of the Great State of California ever wander astray from his loving wife and four children? I say variety...I say ego...I say passion...I say he did it because he is The Arnold. Heck, he's loaded! He can afford all of his legal and out of wedlock children. Ah, men who love too much and the women they must keep happy...and pay for. Go make some more $$$jillion$$$ movies and get on with things...OK Arnold?
Next in this Chronicle of famous politicians who have love or is it sex on their mind...is Billy Boy Clinton...in 1998 with his illustrious line "I did not have sex with that woman"...Hey, he inspired a play that is the title of this blog. Regardless, it does seem silly now in the Bigger Picture of world relations. Bill, you were always brilliant as a true classy diplomat...now where is that little navy blue dress?
Next in this slide show is Rep. Rob Livingston who admitted that he cheated on his wife and resigned thereafter...in 1998...Bye-Bye Rob!
Next is former New Jersey Guv in 2004 - James McGreevy - who cheated on his wife with another man...he resigned his post and is now happily gay.
Next is Rep. Mark Foley in 2006...apparently he was accused of sending sexually explicit messages via email and instant messaging to his pages??? What??? He checked into rehab for alcoholism soon after...
Next is Antonio Villaraigosa in 2007 - LA Mayor - apparently he had an affair with a local TV reporter. This was after he apparently separated from his wife...is this worth the slide show time?
Next is Senator David Vitter in 2007 who's number kept on popping up with the D.C. Madam's Escort Services. I guess he kept on dialing a wrong number.
Next is Senator Larry Craig in 2007 who was picked up in the Minneapolis Airport for toe-tapping in men's bathroom stalls. Was this actually lewd pick-up behavior or a chance for him to stretch between flights? Hmmmm...whatever...it got him in a lot of hot water...he had a lot of 'splaining to do.
Next is Kwame Kilpatrick - former Detroit Mayor - in 2008 who got caught for sending romantic text messages to someone who was not his wife. Ciao Kwame!
Next is Eliot Spitzer in 2008, former Guv of New York - AKA - Mr. Clean...apparently he had a fascination with Call Girl #9. Now he hosts another talking head show for CNN...for punishment he does voice over work for Mr. Clean ads...
Next is John Edwards, former Senator & Prez candidate. Well in 2007 he had an affair with a gal...has a love child. You can afford them John, all that $$$ you made as a malpractice lawyer...
Next is Senator John Ensign of Nevada in 2009 who had an affair with his campaign aide...Cindy...he resigned his post this year.
Next is ex Guv Mark Sanford in 2009 who admitted having an affair with an Argentine woman - Don't Cry for Me Argentina - he did finish his tenure as Guv though.
Next is Rep. Chris Lee of N.Y. in 2011 who apparently send a "shirtless photo" to a woman on Craigslist...see ya' Chris!
Next is Silvio Berlusconi, Italian Prime Minister who in 2011 allegedly had relations with an exotic-drop-dead-underage-gorgeous-Moroccan Dancer...named Ruby...both deny any wrongdoing...Ruby! Ruby! Won't You Be Mine?
And last but not least is Dominique Strauss-Kahn in 2011...IMF Chief and Big Cheese in the International Money world...and who also happens to be a leading contender in France's Socialist Party as a nominee...well apparently he is allegedly accused of sexual assault with a Manhattan Maid in his $3000 a night hotel suite...in the middle of the night...last I heard he is still being detained in N.Y. ...with a hefty bail...somehow the whole thing as reported doesn't add up and seem right...it feels like a bunch of monkey-business going on...all the way around...stay tuned...
So are these accused guys saints or sinners? Megalomaniacs? Narcissists? Or are they just men who love too much and can afford the women they keep? Whatever! Thanks CNN for chronicling this little human slice-o-life slideshow/sideshow in the amusing world of political sex scandals. We are all so human, aren't we? (http://www.cnn.com/2011/POLITICS/05/17/political.sex.scandals/index.html)
It really doesn't matter what age these guys are...their blood is still a pumping; their heart's still a beating; their testosterone is out of control...they are alive!...and they all beg for our forgiveness, don't they? It just boils down to men...Republicans - Democrats...I guess deep-down they need to feel like men...show the world their oats in this Political Cabaret Sponsored by Viagra.
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Micheline Birger
Whew! Finally a juicy sex scandal! It's not exactly brand new but hey, it's better than nothing...and it's The Arnold. Why would a muscle-bound gorgeous Mr. Universe - AKA- The Terminator -AKA - The former Guv of the Great State of California ever wander astray from his loving wife and four children? I say variety...I say ego...I say passion...I say he did it because he is The Arnold. Heck, he's loaded! He can afford all of his legal and out of wedlock children. Ah, men who love too much and the women they must keep happy...and pay for. Go make some more $$$jillion$$$ movies and get on with things...OK Arnold?
Next in this Chronicle of famous politicians who have love or is it sex on their mind...is Billy Boy Clinton...in 1998 with his illustrious line "I did not have sex with that woman"...Hey, he inspired a play that is the title of this blog. Regardless, it does seem silly now in the Bigger Picture of world relations. Bill, you were always brilliant as a true classy diplomat...now where is that little navy blue dress?
Next in this slide show is Rep. Rob Livingston who admitted that he cheated on his wife and resigned thereafter...in 1998...Bye-Bye Rob!
Next is former New Jersey Guv in 2004 - James McGreevy - who cheated on his wife with another man...he resigned his post and is now happily gay.
Next is Rep. Mark Foley in 2006...apparently he was accused of sending sexually explicit messages via email and instant messaging to his pages??? What??? He checked into rehab for alcoholism soon after...
Next is Antonio Villaraigosa in 2007 - LA Mayor - apparently he had an affair with a local TV reporter. This was after he apparently separated from his wife...is this worth the slide show time?
Next is Senator David Vitter in 2007 who's number kept on popping up with the D.C. Madam's Escort Services. I guess he kept on dialing a wrong number.
Next is Senator Larry Craig in 2007 who was picked up in the Minneapolis Airport for toe-tapping in men's bathroom stalls. Was this actually lewd pick-up behavior or a chance for him to stretch between flights? Hmmmm...whatever...it got him in a lot of hot water...he had a lot of 'splaining to do.
Next is Kwame Kilpatrick - former Detroit Mayor - in 2008 who got caught for sending romantic text messages to someone who was not his wife. Ciao Kwame!
Next is Eliot Spitzer in 2008, former Guv of New York - AKA - Mr. Clean...apparently he had a fascination with Call Girl #9. Now he hosts another talking head show for CNN...for punishment he does voice over work for Mr. Clean ads...
Next is John Edwards, former Senator & Prez candidate. Well in 2007 he had an affair with a gal...has a love child. You can afford them John, all that $$$ you made as a malpractice lawyer...
Next is Senator John Ensign of Nevada in 2009 who had an affair with his campaign aide...Cindy...he resigned his post this year.
Next is ex Guv Mark Sanford in 2009 who admitted having an affair with an Argentine woman - Don't Cry for Me Argentina - he did finish his tenure as Guv though.
Next is Rep. Chris Lee of N.Y. in 2011 who apparently send a "shirtless photo" to a woman on Craigslist...see ya' Chris!
Next is Silvio Berlusconi, Italian Prime Minister who in 2011 allegedly had relations with an exotic-drop-dead-underage-gorgeous-Moroccan Dancer...named Ruby...both deny any wrongdoing...Ruby! Ruby! Won't You Be Mine?
And last but not least is Dominique Strauss-Kahn in 2011...IMF Chief and Big Cheese in the International Money world...and who also happens to be a leading contender in France's Socialist Party as a nominee...well apparently he is allegedly accused of sexual assault with a Manhattan Maid in his $3000 a night hotel suite...in the middle of the night...last I heard he is still being detained in N.Y. ...with a hefty bail...somehow the whole thing as reported doesn't add up and seem right...it feels like a bunch of monkey-business going on...all the way around...stay tuned...
So are these accused guys saints or sinners? Megalomaniacs? Narcissists? Or are they just men who love too much and can afford the women they keep? Whatever! Thanks CNN for chronicling this little human slice-o-life slideshow/sideshow in the amusing world of political sex scandals. We are all so human, aren't we? (http://www.cnn.com/2011/POLITICS/05/17/political.sex.scandals/index.html)
It really doesn't matter what age these guys are...their blood is still a pumping; their heart's still a beating; their testosterone is out of control...they are alive!...and they all beg for our forgiveness, don't they? It just boils down to men...Republicans - Democrats...I guess deep-down they need to feel like men...show the world their oats in this Political Cabaret Sponsored by Viagra.
Check out my books on Amazon & Amazon Kindle!
Micheline Birger
Now that we can all agree to disagree that the whole wide world is a much nicer and safer place... and that we can all sleep at night because Bin Laden is dead and cast into the deep blue sea...the focus is now on the GOP potentials...Who's In? Who's Out? And who has a snowball's chance in Heaven to actually make it? Who's Hot & Who's Not?
Newt Gingrich is In - But - Can he win with all of his past lady problems? My rating - Lukewarm
Ron Paul is In for the third try...three's a charm. My rating - Don't think so.
Rick Santorum, former Pennsylvania Senator is in the exploratory phase...translated that really means is - Do I have a shot or not? My rating - Lukewarm
Tim Pawlenty is still in the exploratory phase. Either that or he'll open a Margarita Bar in Florida. My rating - Stick with the bar Tim...Lukewarm.
Mitt Romney - Not sure about Mitt - Does the U.S. want a Mormon? Still exploring. My rating - Lukewarm
Buddy Roemer - former Guv of Louisiana - is still in the exploratory phase. My rating - Nada
Herman Cain, an African-American pizza mogul CEO is Big with the Tea Party Activists. He took top prize in the Washington State straw poll. Still exploring. My rating - Perhaps
Gary Johnson, former Guv of New Mexico...apparently he has a knee-jerk reaction with many Republicans. My rating - Forget it
John Huntsman, former Ambassador to China is undecided. My rating - Don't think so.
Mike Huckabee says No! No! No! And did I hear a NO??? He's not in the game. Good call Mike.
Mitch Daniels, a moderate Republican...undecided. My rating - Don't think so.
Sarah Palin is not currently in the limelight now...don't know what The Sarah is up to. Stay tuned. My rating - Sizzling Hot!
Michelle Bachmann, Congresswoman from Minnesota just doesn't know. My rating - Lukewarm.
Donald Trump, probably not likely a candidate. My rating - Sizzling Hot!
Chris Christie, NJ Guv gives a resounding No! No! No! He will not be a contender.
Rudy Giuliani, former Mayor of NYC gives a wishy-washy maybe-maybe not. My rating - Lukewarm
Rick Perry, Guv of Texas, will probably in most likelihood say No to make a run. My rating - Cold
Bobby Jindall, former Guv of Louisiana gives an absolute No! No! No! Good choice Bobby!
So, there you have it. Most folks are more concerned whether Ashton Kutcher will have the same appeal as Charlie Sheen in Two and a Half Men. Come to think of it, that looks like the actual sum of GOP Contenders for Prez...Two and a Half Men & Maybe a Woman...maybe just maybe...
I still say that The Donald and The Sarah would be the Dream Team Ticket...Golly Gee Whiz...such brilliant comic fodder...yes - but - in another time...in another place and in another world...let's face it...we want to know...Who's Hot? Who's Not?
Check out my books on Amazon & Amazon Kindle
Micheline Birger
Now that we can all agree to disagree that the whole wide world is a much nicer and safer place... and that we can all sleep at night because Bin Laden is dead and cast into the deep blue sea...the focus is now on the GOP potentials...Who's In? Who's Out? And who has a snowball's chance in Heaven to actually make it? Who's Hot & Who's Not?
Newt Gingrich is In - But - Can he win with all of his past lady problems? My rating - Lukewarm
Ron Paul is In for the third try...three's a charm. My rating - Don't think so.
Rick Santorum, former Pennsylvania Senator is in the exploratory phase...translated that really means is - Do I have a shot or not? My rating - Lukewarm
Tim Pawlenty is still in the exploratory phase. Either that or he'll open a Margarita Bar in Florida. My rating - Stick with the bar Tim...Lukewarm.
Mitt Romney - Not sure about Mitt - Does the U.S. want a Mormon? Still exploring. My rating - Lukewarm
Buddy Roemer - former Guv of Louisiana - is still in the exploratory phase. My rating - Nada
Herman Cain, an African-American pizza mogul CEO is Big with the Tea Party Activists. He took top prize in the Washington State straw poll. Still exploring. My rating - Perhaps
Gary Johnson, former Guv of New Mexico...apparently he has a knee-jerk reaction with many Republicans. My rating - Forget it
John Huntsman, former Ambassador to China is undecided. My rating - Don't think so.
Mike Huckabee says No! No! No! And did I hear a NO??? He's not in the game. Good call Mike.
Mitch Daniels, a moderate Republican...undecided. My rating - Don't think so.
Sarah Palin is not currently in the limelight now...don't know what The Sarah is up to. Stay tuned. My rating - Sizzling Hot!
Michelle Bachmann, Congresswoman from Minnesota just doesn't know. My rating - Lukewarm.
Donald Trump, probably not likely a candidate. My rating - Sizzling Hot!
Chris Christie, NJ Guv gives a resounding No! No! No! He will not be a contender.
Rudy Giuliani, former Mayor of NYC gives a wishy-washy maybe-maybe not. My rating - Lukewarm
Rick Perry, Guv of Texas, will probably in most likelihood say No to make a run. My rating - Cold
Bobby Jindall, former Guv of Louisiana gives an absolute No! No! No! Good choice Bobby!
So, there you have it. Most folks are more concerned whether Ashton Kutcher will have the same appeal as Charlie Sheen in Two and a Half Men. Come to think of it, that looks like the actual sum of GOP Contenders for Prez...Two and a Half Men & Maybe a Woman...maybe just maybe...
I still say that The Donald and The Sarah would be the Dream Team Ticket...Golly Gee Whiz...such brilliant comic fodder...yes - but - in another time...in another place and in another world...let's face it...we want to know...Who's Hot? Who's Not?
Check out my books on Amazon & Amazon Kindle
Micheline Birger
Well everybody who has a pulse now knows that Osama Bin Laden will soon be starring on the History Channel with his own show. He's still lapping up PR, even from the bottom of the ocean. So now that he is dead, so what? What's next? His death usurped The Donald off the front page. I don't or won't miss Bin Laden, but I do miss The Donald and his fanaticism.
Now the political media show is busy covering or uncovering exactly what did or did not happen. Was the assassination legal? Or illegal? And why wasn't George Dub-bi-ya credited? And why didn't Pakistan know that they had a stranger in their house for about 5 years or so? Are they telling the truth? Or is it just misinformation? Blah...blah...blah.
A compound is what they called Bin Laden's humble abode. It came equipped with surround sound walls...three wives...and Loyalists. And the dogs keep barking and the caravan moves on...
It's the old story of hiding in plain sight. Blend in. Make it so obvious that everyone will allegedly miss it. Now the Pakistani Police have one of Bin Laden's child brides detained for questioning...heck they even showed her face on CNN along with her passport. Is it a real passport or is it a fake? Is she the real-deal or is she a proxy?
The whole transpiring of his death seems so surreal. One day The Donald is the Commando of the Air Waves...now it's a dead guy thrown to the sharks out of respect...with no pix's or death certificate. Videos show that Bin Laden liked to channel surf to see what he looked like on the tube. Zzzzzzzz.....
So now that this guy is supposedly dead...deep-sixed...with no real evidence of either - although they say they have DNA...I ask two simple questions. Will the price of gas go down? Will that stimulate the U.S. economy?
What do we Americans now have to look forward to? I am sure that Osama's death will not eliminate the many operatives that he has funded or trained...how can we - I take all of this hoopla and translate it into more money $$$ in our pockets?
Anyway, the Republicans are officially in the Chorus Line Auditions for Prez of the Free World. Quite frankly, we need someone to stand up and not be so namby-pamby politically correct. We need a real Tiger Team up there.
The only Dream Team would be The Donald and The Sarah. Comics would be in 7th Heaven with that straight-talking duo. But - quite frankly - it just ain't gonna happen. They will choose a lackluster middle-of-the-road sacrificial lamb. We need a Donald or a Charlie to dominate the airwaves who love being politically incorrect. It's all show biz - isn't it?
So the question remains - who will be the guy or gal to defeat the guy in the Oral Office? Or is the American public going to let the current guy stay in? So stay tuned and don't touch that dial...and gosh...still no sex scandal - yet. Tch! Tch!
Check out my books on Amazon & Amazon Kindle
Micheline Birger
Either you love this guy - The Donald - or tolerate this guy - you decide. Madmen in politics and entertainment seem to be the ruling norm these days. Everyone whether they like to admit it or not loves blunt-force brutal honesty and passion. It is a genuine rarity in today's plastic, superficial, politically correct world. A world composed of unreal mores and pseudo-saint-like qualities that the media slathers on to these narcissists.
It is so-so-so refreshing to see a guy speak his billionaire mind to a world-wide audience. God Donald - Who needs the Oscar's? The Tony's? The Golden Globe's? The Academy Awards? The Emmy's? Who needs all that glitter and fabrication when you have The Donald starring in his role as Devil's Advocate in these oh so trying challenging times?
So Donald, I bet you are not quite satisfied with this whole birth-certificate fiasco? Now there is reams of video and pix's about Obama's birth certificate being a fraud with stacks of convincing conjecture about it. In addition, a birth certificate from Kenya has now been birthed by the Almighty Internet. (http://www.thepowerhour.com/news4/obama_kenyan_birth_certificate.htm ) That is just another diversionary tactic of course...but people still want to know the bottom line? Was the Prez born here or not? And if he was not - where on Earth was he born?
All The Donald wants to do is act and be A Madman just to garner the attention-deficit-law & disordered American public. He's got every one's attention...even the White House. He is sending a loud and clear message about what he perceives is going awry in the US of A. And, he is brilliant at it. Heck, he doesn't have to announce his candidacy. He is much too enmeshed in running his unofficial campaign for some type of Republican office...maybe he'll just create it.
I believe the reason he is stepping up on the gas pedal because he is mad as H___ and not taking it anymore. Not taking the double-speak and double-talk coming out of the ether's of Washington D.C. et al.
Meanwhile, back at the farm, here in the US of A...I believe Americans have one question to answer...and that question is - Are we better off with all of "the change" that was so eloquently promised? I would dare to say absolutely not. Otherwise you wouldn't have The Donald commanding the airwaves, Internet and newspapers from here to Timbuktu.
Something is definitely "off" about all of this "change" that was promised. Most folks are just plain freaked out about it. The Change$$$...is not landing in their pockets. I speak to young college students who just started who are worried about how they are going to repay their student loans...here they were worried about getting into college...now they are worried about how long it's going to take them to get out of debt once they're done with it.
So Donald, carry on with your mission...your intention of raising consciousness and inciting passion. All you want is for America to wake-up and heed that call that something indeed is very rotten in the State of Denmark...the key is long-term solutions as opposed to short-term band-aid approaches...how many wars are we in now? I'm dizzy...I keep losing count...and even sadder is that there is no sex scandal...Bill - where are you?
This just in...Osama Bin Laden is dead...body weighted down and thrown into sea...DNA proof & all...that's just like winning the lottery and the ticket blows into the fire or your dog chews it up and swallows it...is there a bonafide death certificate? Prove it to us...please! Gosh, this puts The Donald off the front page...for awhile at least.
See my books on Amazon and Amazon Kindle
Micheline Birger
Either you love this guy - The Donald - or tolerate this guy - you decide. Madmen in politics and entertainment seem to be the ruling norm these days. Everyone whether they like to admit it or not loves blunt-force brutal honesty and passion. It is a genuine rarity in today's plastic, superficial, politically correct world. A world composed of unreal mores and pseudo-saint-like qualities that the media slathers on to these narcissists.
It is so-so-so refreshing to see a guy speak his billionaire mind to a world-wide audience. God Donald - Who needs the Oscar's? The Tony's? The Golden Globe's? The Academy Awards? The Emmy's? Who needs all that glitter and fabrication when you have The Donald starring in his role as Devil's Advocate in these oh so trying challenging times?
So Donald, I bet you are not quite satisfied with this whole birth-certificate fiasco? Now there is reams of video and pix's about Obama's birth certificate being a fraud with stacks of convincing conjecture about it. In addition, a birth certificate from Kenya has now been birthed by the Almighty Internet. (http://www.thepowerhour.com/news4/obama_kenyan_birth_certificate.htm ) That is just another diversionary tactic of course...but people still want to know the bottom line? Was the Prez born here or not? And if he was not - where on Earth was he born?
All The Donald wants to do is act and be A Madman just to garner the attention-deficit-law & disordered American public. He's got every one's attention...even the White House. He is sending a loud and clear message about what he perceives is going awry in the US of A. And, he is brilliant at it. Heck, he doesn't have to announce his candidacy. He is much too enmeshed in running his unofficial campaign for some type of Republican office...maybe he'll just create it.
I believe the reason he is stepping up on the gas pedal because he is mad as H___ and not taking it anymore. Not taking the double-speak and double-talk coming out of the ether's of Washington D.C. et al.
Meanwhile, back at the farm, here in the US of A...I believe Americans have one question to answer...and that question is - Are we better off with all of "the change" that was so eloquently promised? I would dare to say absolutely not. Otherwise you wouldn't have The Donald commanding the airwaves, Internet and newspapers from here to Timbuktu.
Something is definitely "off" about all of this "change" that was promised. Most folks are just plain freaked out about it. The Change$$$...is not landing in their pockets. I speak to young college students who just started who are worried about how they are going to repay their student loans...here they were worried about getting into college...now they are worried about how long it's going to take them to get out of debt once they're done with it.
So Donald, carry on with your mission...your intention of raising consciousness and inciting passion. All you want is for America to wake-up and heed that call that something indeed is very rotten in the State of Denmark...the key is long-term solutions as opposed to short-term band-aid approaches...how many wars are we in now? I'm dizzy...I keep losing count...and even sadder is that there is no sex scandal...Bill - where are you?
This just in...Osama Bin Laden is dead...body weighted down and thrown into sea...DNA proof & all...that's just like winning the lottery and the ticket blows into the fire or your dog chews it up and swallows it...is there a bonafide death certificate? Prove it to us...please! Gosh, this puts The Donald off the front page...for awhile at least.
See my books on Amazon and Amazon Kindle